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Chan Lamp Histories & Biographies of Eminent Monks (dengshi 燈史 / gaoseng zhuan 高僧傳),
Monks' Chronological Biographies (nianpu 年譜),
Monks' Biographies (xingshi 行實),
Monks' Recorded Sayings & Literary Collections (yulu 語錄 / wenji 文集) etc.
Szerkeszti: Terebess Gábor
Editor: Gabor Terebess (Hungary)
![]() Tartalom |
![]() Contents |
A lámpa-láng átadása (A csan-hagyományozás krónikája) Csan/Zen Dharma-származásrendek |
A lámpa-láng átadása (A csan-hagyományozás krónikája)
Lamp-Record Genealogies
淨覺 Jingjue (683-750?)
楞伽師資記 Lengqie shizi ji
(Rōmaji:) Jōkaku: Ryōga shiji ki
(English:) Record of the Masters and Disciples of the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra / Record of the Lanka School
(Magyar:) Csing-csüe: A Lanká(vatára-szútra) mestereiről és tanítványairól (szóló) emlékirat
傳法寶紀 Chuan fabao ji
(Rōmaji:) Denhōbōki
(English:) Annals of the Transmission of the Dharma Jewel
Compiled c. 713 by a layman 杜朏 Du Fei (d.u.)
Chuanfa baoji 傳法寶紀 (Record of the transmission of the dharma treasure),
1 fascicle (t 85: #2838). A Dunhuang manuscript of the Northern school
tradition, compiled by the layman Du Fei 杜朏 (n.d.). The text describes the
lives and teachings of early Chan figures from Bodhidharma to mid-Tang
masters. The preface, based on the Chanjing xu 禪經序 (Preface to the meditation
sutra) of Lushan Huiyuan 廬山慧遠 (334–416), describes the Indian
dharma lineage. The main text gives the Northern version of the transmission:
Bodhidharma, Huike 慧可 (487–593), Sengcan 僧粲 (d. 606), Daoxin 道
信 (580–651), Hongren 弘忍 (601–674), Faru 法如 (637–689), and Shenxiu 神
秀 (606?–706). The presence of Faru in the lineage between Hongren and
Shenxiu is unique to this text.
歷代法寶記 Lidai fabao ji
(Rōmaji:) Rekidai hōbōki
(English:) Record of the Dharma-Jewel through the Ages
“Record of the Successive Generations of the Dharma Treasure”, composed circa 778–780 by disciples of Baotang Wuzhu 保唐無住 (714–774), the founder of the Baotang school 保唐宗 based in Yizhou 益州 (modern-day Chengdu, Sichuan province).
The Lidai fabao ji (Record of the Dharma-Jewel through the Ages)
Robes Purple and Gold: Transmission of the Robe in the "Lidai fabao ji"
The Mystique of Transmission: On an Early Chan History and Its Contexts
寶林傳 Baolin zhuan
(Rōmaji:) Hōrinden
(English:) Chronicle of the Bejeweled Forest [Monastery] / Transmission of Pao-lin [Monastery]
Compiled by Zhiju (or Huiju) in 801, in ten rolls, but only an incomplete version remains (rolls 7, 9, 10 are no longer extant)
靜 Jing (n.d.) & 筠 Yun/Jun (n.d.)
祖堂集 Zutang ji
(Koreai átírás:) Chŏng & Un/Kyun: Chodang chip
(Rōmaji:) Jō & In: Sodōshū
(English:) A Collection from the Halls of the Patriachs / Patriarch's Hall Anthology / Ancestral Hall Collection
(Magyar:) Cu-tang csi: Az ősatyák csarnokának gyűjteménye / Az ősök csarnoka gyűjtemény
Compiled in 952, published in Korea in 1245, biographies of 253 figures
永明延寿 Yongming Yanshou (904–975)
宗鏡錄 Zongjing lu
(Rōmaji:) Yōmyō
Enju: Sūgyō roku
(English:) Records of the Source Mirror /
Record of the Mirror of Orthodoxy / Source Mirror Record
(Magyar:) Cung-csing lu: Kútforrásnak tüköre*
Compiled in 960
*©Terebess Gábor
永安道原 Yongan Daoyuan (d.u.)
景德傳燈錄 Jingde chuandeng lu
(Rōmaji:) Eian Dōgen : 景德伝灯錄 Keitoku dentōroku
(English:) Record of Transmitting the Lamp (Jingde Era Record of the Transmission of the Lamp)
(Magyar:) Csuan-teng lu: Kézről-kézre járó Mécses Feljegyzés* / A lámpás hagyományozása / A lámpa-láng átadása**
*©Miklós Pál **©Terebess Gábor
Compiled in 1004 by Yongan Daoyuan (永安道原 n. d.), edited under the supervision of court literatus Yang Yi (楊億 974-1020; Japanese: Yō Oku)
This text in 30 fascicles was edited in 1004 and submitted to Emperor Zhēnzōng 真宗 (r. 993-1022). Subsequently it was recognized as the first 'official' historical work of the Chán School. In 1011 the text was incorporated in the Chinese Buddhist canon (Tripitaka), sanctioned by the Emperor.
(Taishō; 51/2076: 196-467)
PDF: Original Teachings of Ch'an Buddhism. Selected from The Transmission of the Lamp. Translated, with introductions, by Chang Chung-yuan. New York: Random House, 1969.
The Transmission of the Lamp: Early Masters. Compiled by Tao Yuan; translated by Sohaku Ogata, 1988, Wolfeboro, N.H. : Longwood Academic, 1990. [Ogata, Sōhaku, 1901-1973]
Glossary and Vocabulary for Records of the Transmission of the Lamp 《景德傳燈錄》
Records of the Transmission of the Lamp: Volume 1: The Buddhas and indian patriarchs. (Books 1-3), Translated by Randolph S. Whitfield, 2015
Records of the Transmission of the Lamp: Volume 2: The Early Masters. (Books 4-9), Translated by Randolph S. Whitfield, 2015
Records of the Transmission of the Lamp: Volume 3: The Nanyue Huairang Lineage. (Books 10-13), Translated by Randolph S. Whitfield, Kindle Edition, 2016
Records of the Transmission of the Lamp: Volume 4: The Shitou Line. (Books 14-17), Translated by Randolph S. Whitfield, Kindle Edition, 2017
Records of the Transmission of the Lamp: Volume 5: Heirs of Master Xuefeng Yicun et al. (Books 18-21), Translated by Randolph S. Whitfield, Kindle Edition, 2018
Records of the Transmission of the Lamp: Volume 6: Heirs of Tiantai Deshao, Congzhan, Yunmen et al. (Books 22-26), Translated by Randolph S. Whitfield, Kindle Edition, 2019
Records of the Transmission of the Lamp: Volume 7: Biographies and Extended Discourses. (Books 27-28), Translated by Randolph S. Whitfield, Kindle Edition, 2019
Records of the Transmission of the Lamp: Volume 8: Chan Poetry and Inscriptions. (Books 29-30), Translated by Randolph S. Whitfield, Kindle Edition, 2020
李遵勗 Li Zunxu (988-1038)
天聖廣燈錄 Tiansheng Guangdeng lu
(Rōmaji:) Junkyoku: Tenshō Kōtō roku
(English:) Tiansheng Era Expanded Lamp Record / Tiansheng era Supplemenatry Lamp Record / Tiansheng [Era] Record of the Widely Extending Lamp
Compiled by the official Li Zunxu 李遵勗 (988-1038) in order to document the achievements of Linji master Shoushan Shengnian 首山省念 (926-993) and his disciples. Originally completed in the 7th year of the Tiansheng era of the Song (1029), published in 1036.
佛國惟白 Foguo Weibai (d.u.)
建中靖國續燈錄 Jianzhong Jingguo Xudeng lu
(Rōmaji:) Bukkoku Ihaku: Kenchū Seikoku zokutō roku
(English:) Continued Lamp Record Compiled in the Jianzhong Jingguo Era / Jingguo-era Supplementary Record of the Lamp
Completed in 1101, published in 1103
宗永 Zongyong (n.d.)
宗門統要集 Zongmen tongyao ji
(Rōmaji:) Shūmon Tōyōshū
(English:) Essential collection of the lineage of the Chan school
10 fascicles. A collection of 1107 koans compiled by the Chan monk Zongyong 宗永 (n.d.) of Fujian, and first published in 1133. The Zongmen tongyao ji presents koan material relating to the traditional Chan lineage, from Śākyamuni, the twenty-eight Indian patriarchs, the six Chinese ancestors, through to the masters of the eleventh generation of the lineage of Nanyue Huairang 南嶽懷讓 (677–744) and the tenth generation of the lineage of Qingyuan Xingsi 靑原行思 (660?–740). The work greatly influenced the compilation of the Zongmen liandeng huiyao.
Ishii Shūdō 石井修道, “Kung-an Ch'an and the Tsung-men t'ung-yao chi,” trans. Albert Welter, in The Kōan: Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism, ed. Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright (New York, 2000), Chapter 4, pp. 110–136.
晦翁悟明 Huiweng Wuming (d.u.)
宗門聯燈會要 Zongmen liandeng huiyao
(Rōmaji:) Maiō Gomyō: Shūmon rentō eyō
(English:) A Collection of Essential Material from the Zen Sect's Successive Records of the Lamp
Compiled in 1183
雷庵正受 Leian Zhengshou (1146-1208)
嘉泰普燈録 Jiatai pudeng lu
(Rōmaji:) Raian Shōju: Katai futō roku
(English:) Jiatai-era Extensive record of the lamp / Universal Lamp Record Compiled in the Jiatai Era
Compiled in 1204
大川普濟 Dachuan Puji (1179-1253)
五燈會元 Wudeng huiyuan
(Rōmaji:) Daisen Fusai: Gotō egen
(English:) A Compedium of the Five Lamps
Compiled in 1253. The Assembled Essentials of the Five [Records of the] Lamp is probably the best recognized and authoritative of these compendia. It mainly brings together material from five preceding canonical lineage histories: namely the Jingde Era Record (1004), the Record of the Extensive [Transmission of] the Lamp (1036), the Jianzhong Jingguo Era Continued Record of the [Transmission of the] Lamp (1101), the Essentials of the United [Records of the Transmission of the] Lamps of Our School (1183), and the Jiatai Era Comprehensive Record of [the Transmission of] the Lamp (1204).
This work has been the source for the (partial) translation by Andy Ferguson, Zen's Chinese Heritage (Wisdom, Boston 2000).
雪竇重顯 Xuedou Chongxian (980–1052)
瀑泉集 Puquan ji
(Rōmaji:) Setchō Jūken: Bakusen shū
(English:) Cascade Collection
(Magyar:) Pu-csüan csi: Zuhatag gyűjtemény
傳法正宗記 Chuanfa zhenzong ji
(Rōmaji:) Denbōshōshūki
(English:) Record of the Orthodox Tradition's Transmission of the Dharma
Edited by Fori Qisong 佛日契崇 (1007–1072), and published in 1591
古尊宿語錄 Guzunsu yulu
(Rōmaji:) Kosonshuku goroku
(English:) Recorded Sayings of the Ancient Worthies / Collections of Sayings of Venerable Adepts of Old
(Magyar:) Ku-cun-szu jü-lu: Hajdani érdemesek összegyűjtött mondásai
Compiled in 1267
Guzunsu yulu 古尊宿語錄 (Recorded sayings of the ancient worthies), 48 fascicles
(x 68: #1315). Also known as the Chongke guzunsu yulu 重刻古尊宿語錄.
A revision of the earlier Guzunsu yuyao 古尊宿語要 and Xu guzunsu
Guzunsu yuyao 古尊宿語要 (Essential sayings of the ancient worthies), 4 fascicles
(x 68: #1316 [table of contents only]). A collection of the records of
twenty eminent Chan masters, compiled by Sengting Shouze 僧挺守賾 (n.d.;
also referred to as Ze Zangzhu 賾藏主) of Mount Gu 鼓 and published in
1144. The records started with those of Nanquan Puyuan 南泉普願 (748–835)
and concluded with those of Zhimen Guangzuo 智門光祚 (d. 1031). The text is
no longer extant, but most of the records that were included also appear
in the Guzunsu yulu 古尊宿語錄.Excerpts in: The Transmission of the Mind Outside the Teaching translated by Lu K'uan Yü, Rider, London 1974
瞿汝稷 Qu Ruji (1548-1610)
指月錄 Zhiyue lu
(Rōmaji:) Ku Joshoku: Shigetsu roku
(English:) The Finger Pointing at the Moon / The Dialogue of Pointing to the Moon / The Ch'an Sayings Recorded During the Moonlit Meditation
(Magyar:) Cse-jüe lu: Holdra mutató beszélgetések*
*©Terebess Gábor
Ouvrage en 32 juan, il a été composé sous la dynastie Ming (complété en 1595) par Qu Ruji 瞿汝稷 (1548-1610).
續指月錄 Xu zhiyue lu
(Rōmaji:) Zoku shigetsu roku
Ouvrage en 20 juan composé par Nie Xian 聶先 (actif en 1679), il s'agit de la continuation du Zhi yue lu 指月錄 de Qu Ruji 瞿汝稷 (1548-1610).
Csan/Zen Dharma-származásrendek
Chan/Zen Lineage Charts
PDF: Lineage Chart of the Zen Ancestors in China by Andy Ferguson
Jeles szerzetesek élete
Biographies of Eminent Monks
續高僧傳 / 唐高僧傳 Xu gaoseng zhuan / Tang gaoseng zhuan
(Rōmaji:) Zoku kōsōden / Tō kōsōden
(English:) Continued Biographies of Eminent Monks / Tang Biographies of Eminent Monks
(Magyar:) Tang kao-szeng csuan: Tang-kori jeles szerzetesek élete
Compiled by 道宣 Daoxuan in 645 (665)
宋高僧傳 Song gaoseng zhuan
(Rōmaji:) Sō kōsōden
(English:) Song Biographies of Eminent Monks
(Magyar:) Szung kao-szeng csuan: Szung-kori jeles szerzetesek élete
Compiled by 贊寧 Zanning in 988
PDF: Biographies of the Chan Masters Translated by Thich Hang Dat
Hongren 釋 弘忍, Huineng 釋慧能, Shenxiu 釋神秀, Shenhui 釋神會, Xuanjue 釋玄覺
大明高僧傳 Da-Ming gaoseng zhuan
(Rōmaji:) Daimin kōsōden
(English:) Ming Biographies of Eminent Monks
(Magyar:) Ming-kori jeles szerzetesek élete
Compiled by 如惺 Ruxing in 1617
覺範慧洪 Juefan Huihong (1071-1128)
禪林僧寶傳 Chanlin sengbao zhuan
(Rōmaji:) Kakuhan Ekō: Zenrin sōbōden
(English:) Transmission of Monk's Treasures from the Chan Grove / Chronicles of the Saṃgha Jewel in the Forests of Chan
(Rōmaji:) Nihon tōjō rentōroku
(French:) Le recueil de la lampe ininterrompue de l'école Sôtô du Japon
(Magyar:) A japán szótó iskola szakadatlan lámpafénye
Compiled in 1727 by the Sōtō monk 嶺南秀恕 Reinan Shūjō (1645-1752)
Csan buddhista anekdotakincs
Song Period Gong'an Collections
雪竇重顯 Xuedou Chongxian (980–1052) & 圜悟克勤 Yuanwu Keqin (1063–1135)
碧巖錄 / 碧岩錄 Biyan lu
(Rōmaji:) Setchō Jūken & Engo Kokugon: Hekigan-roku
(English:) The Blue Cliff Record /
Emerald Cliff Record /
Nephrite Rock Writings
(Magyar átírás:) Hszüe-tou Csung-hszien & Jüan-vu Ko-csin: Pi-jen lu - Kék szikla gyűjtemény* / Nefrit szirt feljegyzések** / A zöldkőszáli feljegyzések***
Compiled in 1125
*©Dobosy Antal **©Miklós Pál
***©Terebess Gábor
Nefrit szirt Tartalom > PDF: Szöveg + Jegyzetek Fordította: Miklós Pál
A zöldkőszáli feljegyzések Fordította: Terebess Gábor
Kék szikla gyűjtemény Fordította: Dobosy Antal
Index of Masters & Cases
PDF : Hekigan-roku (The Blue Cliff Record) Translated by the Sanbô Kyôdan Society
PDF: The Blue Cliff Record Translated by Thomas F. Cleary, Jonathan Christopher Cleary
DOC: Hekiganroku Translated by by Katsuki Sekida
雪竇重顯 Xuedou Chongxian (980–1052) & 圜悟克勤 Yuanwu Keqin (1063–1135)
撃節録 Jijie lu
(Rōmaji:) Setchō Jūken & Engo Kokugon: Gekisetsu-roku
(English:) The Measuring Tap
(Magyar:) Hszüe-tou Csung-hszien & Jüan-vu Ko-csin: Csi-csie lu / Ütemzés
DOC: The Measuring Tap: a Chan Buddhist Classic Translated by Thomas Cleary
雪竇重顯 Xuedou Chongxian (980–1052)
Xuedou baize songgu ji (頌古百則 Songgu baize)
(Rōmaji:) Setchō Jūken: Setchō hyakusoku juko
(Juko hyakusoku)
(English:) Odes to a Classic Hundred Standards / Verses on One Hundred Old Cases
(Magyar átírás:) Hszüe-tou Csung-hszien: Hszüe-tou paj-cö szung-ku (100 kóan)
(the original version of the 碧巖録 Biyan lu)
Odes to a Classic Hundred Standards Translated by Gregory Wonderwheel
雪竇重顯 Xuedou Chongxian (980–1052)
Xuedou baize niangu ji (拈古百則 Niangu baize)
(Rōmaji:) Setchō Jūken: Setchō hyakusoku nenko
(Nenko hyakusoku)
(Magyar átírás:) Hszüe-tou Csung-hszien: Hszüe-tou paj-cö nien-ku (100 kóan)
(the original version of the 撃節録 Jijie lu)
宏智正覺 Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091–1157) & 萬松行秀 Wansong Xingxiu (1166-1246)
從容録 Congrong lu
(Rōmaji:) Wanshi Shōgaku & Banshō Gyōshū: Shōyō-roku
(English:) Book of Serenity / The Book of Equanimity / The Book of Composure /
Encouragement (Hermitage) Record
(Magyar:) Hung-cse Cseng-csüe & Van-szung Hszing-hsziu: Cung-zsung lu / A nyugalom könyve* / Higgatag feljegyzések (Az egyensúly könyve)**
*©Hadházi Zsolt **©Terebess Gábor
Full title is 萬松老人評唱天童覺和尙頌古從容庵錄 Wansong laoren pingchang Tiantong Jue heshang songgu Congrong an lu (Old Man Wansong's Evaluations of Tiantong Jue's Versed Comments on Old Cases).
Compiled in
宏智正覺 Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091–1157) & 萬松行秀 Wansong Xingxiu (1166-1246)
請益錄 Qingyi lu
(Rōmaji:) Wanshi Shōgaku & Banshō Gyōshū:
(English:) Record of Seeking Additional Instruction /
Record of Further Inquiries
(Magyar:) Hung-cse Cseng-csüe & Van-szung Hszing-hsziu: Csing-ji lu / Kitartó keresések*
*©Terebess Gábor
Full title is 萬松老人評唱天童覺和尚拈古請益錄 Wansong laoren pingchang Tiantong Jue heshang niangu Qingyi lu (Old Man Wansong's Singing Appraisal of Monk Tiantong Jue's Bringing Up the Old Record of Further Inquiries).
In Chinese: X1307 http://www.cbeta.org/cgi-bin/goto.pl?linehead=X67n1307_p0495b20
覺範慧洪 Juefan Huihong (1071-1128)
林間錄 Linjian lu
(Rōmaji:) Kakuhan Ekō: Rinkan-roku
(English:) Tales From the [Chan] Grove / Forest Record / Anecdotes from the Groves [of Chan]
無門慧開 Wumen Huikai (1183–1260)
無門關 Wumen guan
(Rōmaji:) Mumon Ekai: 無門関 Mumonkan
(English:) The Gateless Gate / The Gateless Passage / The Gateless Barrier / The Gateless Checkpoint
(Magyar átírás:) Vu-men Huj-kaj: Vu-men kuan / Kapujanincs átjáró* /
Túl a Seholkapun**
Compiled in 1228
*©Miklós Pál **©Terebess Gábor
Túl a Seholkapun Fordította: Terebess Gábor (Szemelvények)
Kapujanincs átjáró Tartalom > PDF: Szöveg + jegyzetek Fordította: Miklós Pál
Kapujanincs átjáró Fordította: Bakonyi Berta
Koanok a Wu men kuan gyűjteményből Fordította: Darabos Pál (Szemelvények)
A Nincs Kapu Fordította: Dobosy Antal
A kaputlan kapu Fordította: Hadházi Zsolt
Mumonkan Fordította: Varga Imre (Szemelvény)
Index of Masters & Cases
External links
The Gateless Gate Translated by Eiichi Shimomissé
PDF: Mumonkan Translated by R. H. Blyth
PDF: The Barrier That Has No Gate with Seung Sahn's comments, compiled by Paul Lynch
PDF: The Gateless Gate Translated by Kōun Yamada
PDF: The Gateless Gate Translated by Katsuki Sekida (In: Two Zen Classics, pp. 26-137)
The Gateless Gate Translated by Nyogen Senzaki & Paul Reps
投子義青 Touzi Yiqing (1032-1083) & 林泉從倫 Linquan Conglun (n.d.)
空谷集 Konggu ji
(Rōmaji:) Tōsu Gisei & Rinsen Jūrin: Kūkoku shū
(English:) Empty Valley Collection
(Magyar:) Kung-ku csi: A kietlen völgy gyűjteménye
100 koans with appended verses by Touzi Yiqing, commentary by Linquan Conglun
X1303 林泉老人評唱投子青和尚頌古空谷集
Index of Masters & Cases
Two Cases (Baling's Chickens and Ducks, case 48. My Province Is Peaceful, case 7.)
Translated by Thomas Cleary
林泉從倫 Linquan Conglun (n.d.): Introductions & commentaries
丹霞子淳 Danxia Zichun (1064-1117): Verses
虛堂集 Xutang ji
(Rōmaji:) Rinsen Jūrin: Kyodō shū
(English:) Vacant Hall Collection / Empty Hall Anthology
(Magyar:) Hszü-tang csi: Az üres csarnok gyűjteménye
Three Cases (Jiufeng, the Attendant; Liangshan's Empty Aeon; Dongshan and the Great Matter)
Translated by Thomas Cleary
The Record of Empty Hall: one hundred classic koans
translated with commentary by Dōshō Port
大慧宗杲 Dahui Zonggao (1089–1163)
正法眼藏 Zhengfa yanzang
(Rōmaji:) Daie Sōkō: Shōbōgenzō
(English:) The Storehouse of the True Dharma Eye / Treasury of the Correct Dharma Eye
(Magyar átírás:) Ta-huj Cung-kao: Cseng-fa jen-cang: Az igaz törvény szemefénye
A collection of koans and dialogues compiled b/t 1147 and 1150.
雲棲袾宏 Yunqi Zhuhong (1535-1615)
禪關策進 Changuan cejin (1600)
(Rōmaji:) Unsei Shukō: Zenkan sakushin
(English:) Yunqi Zhuhong: Chan Whip
(Magyar:) Jün-csi Csu-hung: Csan-kuan cö-csin (Csan ösztöke)
虚堂智愚 Xutang Zhiyu (1185-1269)
虚堂和尚語錄 Xutang heshang yulu
(Rōmaji:) Kidō Chigu: Kidō oshō goroku
(English:) The Sayings of Master Xutang
With comments by the Japanese teacher 白隱慧鶴 Hakuin Ekaku (1686–1769); in part two of Gendai sōjizen hyōron
PDF: Every End Exposed Translated by Yoel Hoffmann
雍正 Yongzheng emperor (born 胤禛 Yinzhen, 1678-1735)
御選語錄 / 御选语录 Yuxuan yulu
(English:) Imperial Selections of Recorded Sayings / Emperor's Selection of Quotations
(Magyar:) Jü-hszüan jü-lu: Császári tallózás a csan irodalomban*
*©Terebess Gábor
John Cage (1912-1992)
PDF: Indeterminacy [190 Zen Stories]
Edited by Eddie Kohler
Terebess Gábor (1944–)
Folyik a híd
(Kínai címfordítás:) [釈元祥 Shi Yuanxiang*: 橋流錄 Qiaoliu-lu]
(Japán címfordítás:) [釈元祥 Shaku Genshō*: 橋は流れて Hashi wa nagarete]
(English translation of the title:) [Flows the Bridge by Gabor Terebess; Koan Collection in Hungarian]
(La traduction française du titre:) [Coule le pont de Gabor Terebess]
(Deutsche Übersetzung des Titels:) [Fließt die Brücke von Gabor Terebess]
*Gabor Terebess's Japanese Dharma name / Terebess Gábor szótó zen szerzetes neve
Folyik a híd 1990-ben jelenhetett meg nyomtatásban az első kifejezetten magyarok részére összeállított kóan antológia, mindjárt 10 000 példányban, a Kossuth Nyomda által alapított Officina Nova kiadó igényes gondozásában; válogatta, átültette, szerkesztette: Terebess Gábor. Illusztrálta: Lacza Márta.
Csan/Zen szerzetesi rendtartás
Chan/Zen Monastic Regulations
百丈懷海 Baizhang Huaihai (720-814)
勅修百丈清規 / 勅修百丈淸規 Chixiu Baizhang qinggui
Revised by 東陽德輝 Dongyang Dehui (Jpn.: Tōyō Tokki)
(Rōmaji:) Hyakujō Ekai: Chokushū-hyakujō-shingi
(English:) Pure Rules of Baizhang / The Baizhang Zen Monastic Regulations
PDF: The Baizhang Zen Monastic Regulations Translated by Shohei Ichimura
PDF: Collcutt, Martin. “The Early Ch'an Monastic Rule: Ch'ing Kuei and the Shaping of Ch'an Community Life.” In Early Ch'an in China and Tibet, ed. Whalen Lai and Lewis Lancaster, Berkeley, Asian Humanities Press, 1983, pp. 165-184.
溈山靈祐 Guishan Lingyou (771–853)
溈山警策 Guishan jingce
(English:) Guishan's admonitions
Compiled circa 850 by Baizhang's disciple
PDF: Guishan jingce (Guishan's Admonitions) and the Ethical Foundations of Chan Practice by Mario Poceski
In: Zen Classics: Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism. Oxford University Press, 2006. pp. 15-42.
雪峰義存 Xuefeng Yicun (822-908)
師規制 Shi guizhi
(Rōmaji:) Seppō Gison: Shi kisei
(English:) Teacher's rules
(Magyar:) Hszüe-feng Ji-cun: Si kuj-cse
Compiled in 901
PDF: Xuefeng's Code by Mario Poceski
長蘆宗賾 Changlu Zongze (d. 1107?)
禪苑清規 Chanyuan qinggui
(Rōmaji:) Chōro Sōsaku: Zenen shingi
(English:) Rules of purity for the Chan Monastery
Compiled in 1103
PDF: An Annotated Translation and Study of the Chanyuan qinggui by Yifa
[永平] 道元希玄 [Eihei] Dōgen Kigen (1200–1253)
永平清規 Eihei shingi
(English:) Eihei Rules of Purity
Rövid csan/zen iratok
Short Chan/Zen Texts
傅翕 Fu Xi (傅大士 Fu Dashi, 497–569)
心王銘 Xinwang ming
(Rōmaji:) Fukyū (Fu-daishi): Shinnōmei
(Magyar átírás:) Fu Hszi (Fu Ta-si): Hszin-vang ming
Mind-King Inscription Translated by Jess Row
Gâthâs Translated by John C. H. Wu, D. T. Suzuki, Lu K'uan Yü [Charles Luk], John Balcom
Fu Hszi (Fu Ta-si) verse Fordította: Terebess Gábor
鑑智僧璨 Jianzhi Sengcan (529–613)
信心銘 Xinxinming
(Rōmaji:) Kanchi Sōsan: Shinjinmei
(Magyar átírás:) Csien-cse Szeng-can: Hszin-hszin-ming / Bízz a szívben*
*©Terebess Gábor
A szívbéli hitről Fordította: Fórizs László
A hívő tudat Fordította: Komár Lajos
A harmadik pátriárka szútrája Fordította: Lílávajra (Dr. Pressing Lajos)
Hit a tudatban Fordította: Hadházi Zsolt (2005)
A hívő tudat vésete Fordította: Hadházi Zsolt (2009)
A harmadik zen pátriárka verse Fordította: Szabó Bálint
On Trust in the Heart Translated by Arthur Waley
Inscribed on the Believing Mind Translated by R. H. Blyth > with commentaries
Verses on the Faith Mind Translated by Richard B. Clarke
Inscription on Faith in Mind Translated by Dusan Pajin
Inscription on Trust in the Mind Translated by Burton Watson
Have Faith in Your Mind Translated by Shih Shen-Lung
The Mind of Absolute Trust Translated by Robert F. Olson
Trusting In Mind Translated by Hae Kwang
Gatha of Seng T'san Translated by Zen Buddhist Order of Hsu Yun
Affirming Faith In Mind Chant version used by the Portland Zen Community
Trusting In Mind Translated by Stanley Lombardo
Song of Trusting the Heart Translator, unknown
Hsin Hsin Ming Chant version used by the Rochester Zen Center
Faith in Mind Translated by Master Sheng-yen > with commentaries
Have Faith in Your Mind Translated by Lu Kuan Yu (Charles Luk)
A Song of Enlightenment Translated by Philip Dunn and Peter Jourdan
Trust in Mind Translated by the Chung Tai Translation Committee
Inscription on Faith in Mind Translated by Gregory Wonderwheel
On Believing in Mind Tr. with commentaries by D. T. Suzuki (Manual of Zen Buddhism)
Inscribed On the Believing Mind Translated by D. T. Suzuki (Essays in Zen Buddhism)
Hsin Hsin Ming Richard B. Clarke's translation slightly modified by Osho
Faith in heart-and-mind Translated by Hakuun Barnhard
Faith in Mind Translated by John Balcom
Faith in Mind Translated by Andy Ferguson
Verses on the Perfect Mind Interpretation by Eric Putkonen
The Faith-Mind Maxim (PDF), pp. 115-129. Translated by Yoshida Osamu
牛頭法融 Niutou Farong (594–657)
心銘 Xin ming
(Rōmaji:) Gozu Hōyū: Shinmei
(Magyar átírás:) Niu-tou Fa-zsung: Hszin ming / A szív dala
Mind Inscription Translated by Jess Row
心銘 Mind Inscription Translated by Henrik H. Sorensen
Song of the Mind Translated by Sheng Yen
No-mind Is Not Different from Mind Translated by Chang Chung-yuan
永嘉玄覺 Yongjia Xuanjue (665–713)
證道歌 Zhengdao ge
(Rōmaji:) 永嘉玄覚 Yōka Genkaku: Shōdōka
(Magyar átírás:) Jung-csia Hszüan-csüe: Cseng-tao ko
Az azonnali felébredés éneke Fordította: Yvon Mjóken Bec és Boros Dókó László
Song of Enlightenment Translated by D.T. Suzuki
Song of Enlightenment Translated by Robert Aitken and Eido Shimano
Song of Liberation Translated by Anzan Hoshin and Yasuda Joshu Dainen
Song of Enlightenment English version by Osho
Song of Realization Translated by Nyogen Senzaki and Ruth Stout McCandless
Song of Enlightenment Translated by John Balcom
Dialectic as a Self-conscious Movement Translated by Chang Chung-yuan
石頭希遷 Shitou Xiqian (700–790)
參同契 Cantongqi
(Rōmaji:) Sekitō Kisen: Sandōkai
(Magyar átírás:) Si-tou Hszi-csien: Can-tung-csi / A különbözőség és az azonosság egybeesése
艸庵歌 Caoan ge
(Rōmaji:) Sekitō Kisen: Sōan ka
(Magyar átírás:) Si-tou Hszi-csien: Cao-an ko / Zsúpfedeles dal
Különbség és azonosság Fordította: Komár Lajos
Különbözőség és azonosság keveredése Fordította: Hadházi Zsolt (2005)
Különbözőség és azonosság együttműködése Fordította: Máthé Veronika és Hadházi Zsolt (2009)
A különbözőség és az azonosság harmóniája Fordította: Fábián Gábor
Si-tou összegyűjtött mondásaiból Fordította: Terebess Gábor
The Record of Shitou Xiqian Translated by by James Mitchell & Yulie Lou
Song of the Grass Shack Translated by by James Mitchell & Yulie Lou
Song of the Grass-Roof Hermitage Translated by Daniel Leighton
Song of the Straw Thatched Hut Translated by Gregory Wonderwheel
The Agreement of Difference and Unity Translated by by James Mitchell & Yulie Lou
Harmony of Difference and Equality by Sotoshu Shumucho
Sandokai – or the Unity of One and Many Translated by Hakuun Barnhard
Merging of Difference and Unity Translated by Thomas Cleary
Harmony of Difference and Equality Translated by San Francisco Zen Center
Agreement of Meeting Together Translated by Gregory Wonderwheel
Inquiry into Matching Halves Commented on by Sheng Yen. Translated by Ming Yee Wang and Pei-gwang Dowiat
南嶽明瓚 Nanyue Mingzan* (8th c.)
樂道歌 Ledao ge
*aka Lanzan 懶瓚, or “Lazy Zan”
(Rōmaji:) Nangaku Myōsan: Rakudō-ka
(English:) Song of Enjoying the Way
(Magyar:) Az Út örömei
HTML: Enjoying the Way Translated by Jeff Shore (poem only)
PDF: Enjoying the Way Translated by Jeff Shore (with commentary)
洞山良价 Dongshan Liangjie (807–869)
寶鏡三昧(歌) Baojing sanmei(ge)
(Rōmaji:) Tōzan Ryōkai: 宝鏡三昧 Hōkyō zanmai(ka)
(Magyar:) Tung-san Liang-csie: Paocsing szanmej(ko): A drágakő-tükör szamádhi
五位 Wuwei
(Rōmaji:) Goi
(English:) The Five Ranks
(Magyar:) Az öt rang
Tung-shan Liang-chieh: Zen tükör Fordította: Komár Lajos
Tung-san Liang-csie: Az ékköves tükör szamádhi dala Fordította: Hadházi Zsolt
Tung-san Liang-csie: Az öt rang Fordította Hadházi Zsolt
Tung-san csan mester mondásai Fordította: Terebess Gábor
The Record of Liang-chieh of Tung-shan Translated by William F. Powell
Encounter Dialogues of Dongshan Liangjie compiled by Satyavayu of Touching Earth Sangha
JPG: Tung-shan Liang Chieh Tanslated by Chang Chung-Yuan
Jewel Mirror Samadhi Translated by William F. Powell
Song of the Jewel Mirror Samadhi Translated by Thomas Cleary
Precious Mirror Samadhi Translated by Sotoshu Shumucho
Seal of the Precious Mirror Samadhi Translated by Lu Kuan Yu (Charles Luk)
The Most Excellent Mirror-Samādhi Translated by Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett
The Precious Mirror-Samadhi Translated by Hakuun Barnhard
The Song of the Precious Mirror Samadhi Commented on by Sheng Yen; translated by Ming Yee Wang & Pei-gwang Dowiat
The Five Ranks Tr. by H. Dumoulin; Tr. by T. Cleary; Tr. by W. F. Powell; Tr. by Chang Chung-Yuan
長蘆宗賾 Changlu Zongze (d.u.)
坐禪儀 Zuochan yi
(Rōmaji:) Chōro Sōsaku: Zazen-gi
(English:) Models for Sitting Meditation
The Zuochanyi by Changlu Zongze Translated by Carl Bielefeldt
PDF: Form of Zazen Translated by Shohaku Okumura
Cijiao's Rules for Meditation Translated by Hakuun Barnhard
佛心本才 Foxin Bencai (d.u.)
坐禪儀 Zuochan yi
(Rōmaji:) Busshin Honsai: Zazen-gi
(English:) Guidelines for Sitting Meditation
(Magyar:) Előírás az ülő meditációhoz
Előírás az ülő meditációhoz Fordította: Hadházi Zsolt
Guidelines for Sitting Meditation Translated by Thomas Cleary
十牛圖頌 Shiniu tusong
(Rōmaji:) Jūgyūzu ju
(Magyar átírás:) Siniu tuszung
A bivalyhajtás tíz képe / A bika hazaterelése
Fordították: Terebess Gábor (töredék); Végh József; Hadházi Zsolt; Dobosy Antal; Kamala Buddhista Egyházközösség; Biharvári József Kornél / Yogabeej / Aloka; Acsai Roland; Tasi Júlia; Hetényi Ernő (Ferenczy Éva rajzaival)
佚斎樗山 Issai Chozan (1659-1741)
猫の妙術 Neko no myōjutsu Written by the samurai Niwa Jurozaemon Tadaaki (pen name Issai Chozanshi, 1659-1741) in 1727.
A csodálatos macska Németből fordította: Hetényi Ernő
Isszai Csodzan: A macska fantasztikus tudománya Japánból fordította: Yamaji Masanori, Keletkutatás, 1994 ősz. 71-83. o.
Die wunderbare Kunst einer Katze Übers. von Karlfried Graf Dürckheim
The Marvelous Cat Translated by Takeharu Teramoto & Fumio Hashimoto
PDF: The Swordsman and the Cat Translated by D.T. Suzuki
The Mysterious Technique of the Cat Translated by William Scott Wilson
Mysterious Technique of the Cat Translated by da2elni4na [Daniel Nishina]
Japán kóan gyűjtemények
Japanese Kōan Collections
[永平] 道元希玄 [Eihei] Dōgen Kigen (1200–1253)
(Rōmaji:) Shōbōgenzō sanbyakusoku (also known as the 真字正法眼蔵 Mana/Shinji Shōbōgenzō)
(English:) The Three Hundred Kōan on the Treasury of the True Dharma Eye / The True Dharma-eye Treasury / The Treasury of the Eye of the True Teaching / Treasury of Knowledge of the True Law
(Magyar:) Az igaz törvény szemefénye* (300 kóan) / A Törvény Igazlátó Szemének Kincsestára** / Az igaz Dharma Drágakő-szeme***
*©Terebess Gábor **©Végh József ***©Helfenbein Katalin
Compiled in 1235, first published in Japanese in 1766.
(Rōmaji:) Shūmon kattōshū
(English:) Entangling Vines
(Magyar:) Gabalyodó indák
282 kōans, emerged in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries as a koan handbook in the Myoshin-ji tradition, first published in 1689.
螢山紹瑾 Keizan Jōkin (1268–1325)
(Rōmaji:) Denkō-roku
(English:) The Record of the Transmission of the Light
(Magyar:) A fény átadása
A lámpás [sic!] átadása Fordította: Szigeti György
坐禅用心記 / 坐禪用心記
(Rōmaji:) Zazen yōjinki
(English:) Advice on the Practice of Zazen
(Magyar:) Mire figyeljünk zazenben
Feljegyzés ahhoz, hogyan legyünk körültekintőek a zazenben Fordította: Gáncs Nikolasz
PDF: Instructions on How to Do Pure Meditation Translated by Hubert Nearman
Notes on What to be Aware of in Zazen Translated by Anzan Hoshin & Yasuda Joshu Dainen
Points to Watch in Zazen Translated by Reiho Masunaga
What to be Aware of in Zazen Translated by Thomas Cleary
東陽英朝 Tōyō Eichō (1428-1504)
(Rōmaji:) Zenrin-kushū
(English:) Zen Phrase Books
(Magyar:) A Zen-erdő összegyűjtött mondásaiból
attributed to 東陽英朝 Tōyō Eichō (1428-1504)
玄楼奧龍 Genrō Ōryū (1720–1813)
(Rōmaji:) Tetteki tōsui
(English:) The Iron Flute (“Blowing the [Solid-]Iron Flute Upside-Down”)
(Magyar:) Vasfurulya* / Visszáján-fújt vasfuvola**
100 kōans compiled in 1783 by Genrō Ōryū (玄楼奧龍 1720-1813), who added his commentary to each kōan in poetry and prose. Later, Genrō's chief disciple, Fūgai Honkō (風外本高 1779-1847) added his own “capping phrases” (jakugo 著語)to the text. Nyogen Senzaki (千崎如幻 1876–1958) chose this text as an introduction to Zen Buddhism for his American students, inserting explanations and removing most of the original comments by Genrō and Fūgai.
*©Hetényi Ernő **©Terebess Gábor
A Vasfurulya verseiből Fordította: Fehér József András
PDF: Vasfurulya Fordította: Hetényi Ernő
Visszáján-fújt vasfuvola Fordította: Terebess Gábor
Index of Masters & Cases
The Iron Flute Translated by Nyogen Senzaki and Ruth Strout McCandless
無住一円 Mujū Ichien (1226–1312)
(Rōmaji:) Shaseki shū
(English:) Sand and Pebbles / Collection of Stone and Sand
(Magyar:) Homok és kavics gyűjtemény
Index / Bibliography
PDF: 101 zen történet [Kavics és homok] Fordította: Bánfalvi András
DOC: 101 Zen Stories Transcribed by Nyogen Senzaki & Paul Reps
破有法王 Hau Hōō
(Rōmaji:) Gendai sōjizen hyōron
(English:) A Critique of Present-day Pseudo-Zen
(Magyar:) A mai ál-zen kritikája
Compiled in 1916 by 破有法王 Hau Hōō (”The Arch-Destroyer of the Existent Order”) [pseud. 冨永秀甫 Tominaga Shūho]
Terminology / Bibliography / Excerpts from The Sound of the One Hand, pp. 47-51.
今井福山 Imai Fukuzan
(Rōmaji:) Shōnan kattōroku
(English:) Warrior kōans
100 kōans, compiled by 無隠 Muin of 禅興寺 Zenkō-ji (Kamakura) in 1545; reedited by 今井福山 Imai Fukuzan (1925)
PDF: The warrior kōans Translated by Trevor Leggett (1914-2000)
久須本文雄 Kusumoto Bun'yū (1907-1995)
(Rōmaji:) Zengo nyūmon
Tokyo: 大法輪閣 Daihōrin-kaku Co. Ltd., 1982
PDF: An Introduction to Zen Words and Phrases Translated by Michael D. Ruymar (Michael Sōru Ruymar)
Koreai szon buddhizmus
Korean Seon Buddhism
Vietnami thien buddhizmus
Thiền sư Việt Nam
PDF: Cuong Tu Nguyen - Zen in Medieval Vietnam: A Study and Translation of Thiên Uyên Tâp Anh
(Classics in East Asian Buddhism) Univ of Hawaii Press, 1998Collection of Outstanding Figures of the Zen Garden (Hán tự: 禪苑集英, Vietnamese: Thiền uyển tập anh) is a Chinese-language Vietnamese Buddhist biographical text dating to 1337. It connects the history of Buddhism in Vietnam with China and has aspects of a Dharma transmission text modelled on The Transmission of the Lamp genre.
PDF: Zen conquests: Buddhist transformations in contemporary Vietnam
by Alexander Soucy.
Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2022.
Tibeti csan buddhizmus
Tibetan Chan Buddhism
保唐無住 Baotang Wuzhu (714-774)
摩訶衍 Moheyan (8th century)
정중무상 / 浄衆無相 Jeongjung Musang (680-756, alt. 684-762), alias 김화상 / 金和尚 Gim hwasang
Sam van Schaik
Taming the Elephant