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[永平] 道元希玄 [Eihei] Dōgen Kigen (1200–1253)
永平清規 Eihei shingi
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Végh József: PDF: Dógen Zen mester magyarul elérhető írásai Hrabovszky Dóra: Fukan-zazen-gi A zazen dicsérete Az ülő meditáció szabályai (Sóbógenzó zazengi) A zazen ösvénye A szívében a megvilágosodás szellemével élő lény (bódhiszattva) négy irányadó tevékenysége Életünk kérdése (Gendzsókóan 現成公案) PDF: Az Út Gyakorlásában Követendő pontok |
真字正法眼蔵 [Mana/Shinji] Shōbōgenzō 仮字正法眼蔵 [Kana/Kaji] Shōbōgenzō 普勧坐禅儀 Fukan zazengi 学道用心集 Gakudō-yōjinshū Advice on Studying the Way 永平清規 Eihei shingi Eihei Rules of Purity 永平廣錄 Eihei kōroku Dōgen's Extensive Record 宝慶記 Hōkyō-ki Memoirs of the Hōkyō Period 傘松道詠 Sanshō dōei Verses on the Way from Sanshō Peak
孤雲懷奘 Kōun Ejō (1198-1280) 修證義 Shushō-gi, compiled in 1890 Kōshō-ji PDF: The Life of Dōgen Zenji |
Eihei Shingi
Eihei Rules of Purity
Six texts on monastic practices by Dōgen
Instructions for the Cook (典座教訓 Tenzo kyōkun)
Procedures for Pursuing the Way (辨道法 Bendō hō)
Procedures for Taking Food (赴粥飯法 Fu shukuhan pō)
Regulations for the Common Quarters (衆寮箴規 Shuryō shingi)
Regulations for Treating One's Seniors (對大已法 Tai taiko hō)
Rules of Purity for Stewards (知事清規 Chiji shingi)
Eihei Shingi (Dōgen's Monastic Rules)
PDF: Zen is Eternal Life, 1976 by Houn Jiyu-Kennett
(Formerly published as Selling Water by the River, 1972) by Jiyu Kennett
典座教訓 Tenzo Kyōkun (1237) Instructions to the Chief Cook, in: Zen is Eternal Life, by Houn Jiyu-Kennett, pp. 145-161.
辨道法 Bendōhō (1244-1246, "at Daibutsuji") How to Train in Buddhism, in: Zen is Eternal Life, by Houn Jiyu-Kennett, pp. 131-145.
赴粥飯法 Fushuku-hampō (Fushukuhampō) Meal-Time Regulations, in: Zen is Eternal Life, by Houn Jiyu-Kennett, pp. 113-131.
衆寮清規 Shuryō-shingi (1249) How Junior Priests Must Behave in the Presence of Senior Priests, in: Zen is Eternal Life, by Houn Jiyu-Kennett, pp. 108-113.
対大己五夏闍梨法 Tai-daikogogejari-hō (Taitaiko Gogejarihō) (1244) Traninee's Hall Rules, in: Zen is Eternal Life, by Houn Jiyu-Kennett, pp. 104-108.
知事清規 Chiji Shingi (Eihei-ji Chiji Shingi) (1246) CONTENTS: 監院 Kan-in (Director); 維那 Ino (Supervisor of Monks); 典座 Tenzo (Chief Cook); 直歳 Shissui (Work Leader)
PDF: Dōgen's Pure Standards for the Zen Community
A Translation of Eihei Shingi
Translated by Taigen Dan Leighton & Shohaku Okumura
Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996, 1996.
272 p.
Eihei Shingi contains Dogen's principal guidelines and instructions for everyday life and rituals in the monastic training center he established. Included are a collection of dramatic teaching stories, or koans, on the attitude and responsibilities for practitioners in the community, the only collection of traditional koans with this practical focus.
In addition to the translation, the book includes detailed annotation, a substantial introduction, glossaries of Japanese technical terms and persons mentioned, and lineage charts, all providing relevant background in historical and religious context.
"This book represents the best translation so far of a famous collection of essays that provide a great deal of concrete information on the practice of Zen monasticism." -- Carl Bielefeldt, Stanford University
Regulations for Monastic Life by Eihei Dogen -Eihei-genzenji-shingi-
Translated by 横井雄峯 Yokoi Yūhō (1918-)
Tōkyō Sankibō Busshorin, 1962, 128 p.
Zen Master Dōgen's Monastic Regulations = 永平道元禅師淸規
calligraphy by Niwa Rempō ; foreword by Sakurai Shūyū ; preface by Minamizawa Dōnin ; translated and edited by 市村承秉 Ichimura Shōhei (1929-2018)
Fukui-ken, Japan : Daihonzan Eiheiji ; Washington, U.S.A. : North American Institute of Zen and Buddhist Studies, 1993.
391 pages
"Daihonzan Eiheiji 750th year commemoration volume for Dogen Zenji."
Eihei Shingi, Chapter 3
DOC: Fushukuhanpo: How to Use Your Bowls
translated by Yasuda Joshu Dainen roshi and Anzan Hoshin roshi
典座教訓 Tenzo kyōkun
Instructions for the Tenzo Tr. by Anzan Hoshin & Yasuda Joshu Dainen
Instructions for the Cook Translated by Griffith Foulk
Published in Jisho Warner et al., Nothing is Hidden: Essays on Zen Master Dōgen's Instructions for the Cook, pp. 21-40 (N.Y. and Tokyo: Weatherhill, 2001)PDF: Instructions to the Cook: a Zen master's lessons in living a life that matters
by Bernard Glassman and Rick FieldsPDF: How to Cook Your Life
From the Zen Kitchen to Enlightenment
Zen Master Dōgen and Kosho Uchiyama (内山興正 Uchiyama Kōshō, 1912-1998). Translated by Thomas Wright
Shambhala Publications, 2005, 136 p.
Eihei-ji Monastery System in Dogen's time and Kenmitsu Buddhism
Reconcidering the Position of Dogen's Monastery in Kamakura New Budhist Movement
by 石井清純 Seijun Ishii
永平道元禪師清規 : 大清規 / Eihei Dōgen Zenji Shingi : dai shingi
道元 著, 岸澤惟安 老師校譯 / Dōgen cho, Kishizawa Ian rōshi kōyaku.
[Published by 野圦孝純
Noiri Kōjun rōshi (1914-2007) at his temple:] 官養庵 Kan'yōan [静岡県 Shizuoka-ken, 島田市 Shimada-shi, 御請 Ouke]
Shōwa 42 [1967], 271 pages
3版 Edition: 官養院 Kanyō-in, 島田 Shimada, 1981.
Table of Contents:
目次 / (0008.jp2)
序 / (0006.jp2)
凡例 / p5 (0009.jp2)
永平道元禪師清規 / p1 (0016.jp2)
乾之卷 / p1 (0016.jp2)
序 / (0011.jp2)
校訂冠註永平淸規凡例 / (0014.jp2)
典座敎訓 宇治縣興聖寺 / p1 (0017.jp2)
辨道法 越州大拂寺 附僧堂四板被位圖並凡例 / p38 (0035.jp2)
赴粥飯法 永平寺 附僧堂十二板首鉢位圖並凡例 / p68 (0050.jp2)
坤之卷 / p109 (0070.jp2)
衆寮淸規 永平寺 附衆寮十二板圖並凡例 / p110 (0071.jp2)
對大己法 永平寺 / p130 (0081.jp2)
知事淸規 永平寺 / p144 (0088.jp2)
跋 / p251 (0141.jp2)
註 ― 訓點並字文訂正の典據 ― / p255 (0143.jp2)
Taitaiko Gogejarihô – Das Verhalten gegenüber den erfahrenen Lehrern, die fünf
Sommerübungsperioden vollzogen haben
Shuryô Shingi – Regeln für die Halle des Studiums (für den Kichijôsan Eiheiji-Tempel)