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Aktuelles – Mushin – Zen Dojo Zürich

岡本有光 Okamoto Yūkō (1935-2021)

32nd abbot of Teishō-ji

Aktuelles – Mushin – Zen Dojo Zürich

貞祥寺 Teishō-ji is a Soto Buddhist Temple located in Saku, Nagano Prefecture. It was founded in 1521 by Tomono Sadayoshi. 
Teishō-ji address: 1380-3 Maeyama, Saku, Nagano 385-0046, Japan




Depuis que la 31e génération d'abbé Okamoto Taihō rōshi s'est liée d'amitié avec Sawaki Kōdō Zenji. Sawaki Zen Master a souvent organisé des séances de méditation au temple Teishō-ji, et de nombreux livres de Sawaki Zen Master sont laissés dans le temple en plus de calligraphy « Illusion magique »... Le prêtre actuel est Okamoto Yūkō rōshi, le 32e abbé.

Calligraphy by 沢木興道 Sawaki Kōdō (1880-1965)


Disciples de Taisen Deshimaru
reçu la transmission officielle du Dharma de 岡本有光 Okamoto Yūkō (1935-2021):

明峰密仙 Meihō Missen (Michel Bovay 1944-2009)

Michel Bovay was born in 1944 in Monthey, in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. He soon moved with his family to Basel, where he completed an education as a writing illustrator and founded the rock band "The Sevens", which became known throughout Europe as bassist, composer and lead singer, among other things.

In 1972, Michel Bovay met the Zen master Mokudo Taisen Deshimaru during a lecture in Geneva and decided to follow it to Paris for a few months. He stayed there for ten years, became his assistant and trusted employee and was instrumental in the spread of Zen in Europe.

After the death of Master Deshimaru in 1982, Michel Bovay became one of the main leaders in transmission of his teaching and followed the desire of his master to go back to Switzerland in 1985. Here he concentrated on the daily teaching at Zen Dojo Zurich, managed zazentage, sesshins and summer camps in the temple La Gendronniére in France and Switzerland.

Gérard Pilet – Dojo Zen Mokusho
鎮霊 Chinrei (Gérard Pilet 1949-)


Gérard Pilet – Dojo Zen Mokusho
慈光 Jikō (Simone Wolf 1950-)


道光 Dōkō (Raphaël Triet 1950-)


Profession : Reporterre: Profession : Chef du centre de méditation Chö on Ji
仙龍 Senryū
(Alain Cassan de Valry 1941-)

