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Kokyo Henkel (1966-)
Kōkyō Yakai (Luminous Owl, Midnight Liberation 光梟夜解)
Uji ("Being-Time") by Kokyo
Rev. Kokyo Henkel has long been interested in exploring how the classic teachings of Buddha-Dharma from ancient India, China, and Japan can still be very much alive and useful here and now, to bring peace and openness to the minds and hearts of this troubled world. This website https://kokyohenkel.weebly.com offers Kokyo's line-by-line commentaries on many of these classic texts, which are often difficult to fully appreciate and understand without commentary.
Kokyo has been practicing Zen Buddhism since 1990 in residence at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Green Gulch Farm Zen Center, and No Abode Hermitage - all in the Soto Zen lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi - and Bukkokuji Monastery in Japan (with Harada Tangen Roshi). After living in these monastic communities for almost two decades, Kokyo was then head teacher at Santa Cruz Zen Center from 2010-2017, and will be studying and practicing in Kathmandu Nepal with his wife, Rev. Shoho Kuebast, beginning in 2020.
Tenshin Anderson Roshi (gouache) by Kokyo Henkel
Kokyo was ordained as a Zen priest in 1994 by Tenshin Reb Anderson Roshi, receiving the Dharma name Kokyo Yakai (Luminous Owl, Midnight Liberation 光梟夜解). He received Dharma Transmission from Tenshin Roshi in 2010, becoming a lineage-holder authorized to guide others on the path. Kokyo has also been practicing with the Tibetan Dzogchen (“Great Perfection”) Teacher Tsoknyi Rinpoche since 2003, in California, Colorado, and Kathmandu.
Turning the Light Around, Dropping Off Body and Mind
Meditative Inquiry Instructions by Kokyo Henkel
A Brief Guide for Solitary Retreat in the Zen Tradition
by Kōkyō Henkel, 2021
Essays by Kokyo
Four Contemplations to Turn the Mind Toward Dharma
Freedom, Ease, and Four Kinds of Grasping
Karma, Free-Will, and Determinism
Dependent Arising as the Middle Way
Harm is Not Done
Equalizing Self and Others
Feeding the Hungry Ghosts Inside and Outside
Renunciation, Compassion, and Devotion
Buddha Nature
Making Offerings to Buddha
Some Thoughts on Bowing
Purification of Karma in Zen Practice
Taking Refuge in Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
Mystical Communion, Meeting Buddha
Face-to-Face Transmission
Mind Cookies and Compassion for a Non-External World
Absorption in the Treasury of Light
Mirror Awareness, the True Host
View, Meditation, and Conduct in Dzogchen and Zen
Practice and Realization are Non-Dual
Three Types of Zazen
Deshan Lets the Matter Rest
Nanchuan Kills a Cat
Which Moon is This?
What is Your Original Face?
When We Give It All to Buddha (in Buddhadharma Magazine)
Translations by Kokyo
Yongjia's Verse Giving Rise to the Vow
Rujing's Short Record, compiled by Dogen
Dogen's Precept Lineages (Soto, Rinzai, Tendai lineages transmitted to disciples)
Keizan's Answers to Ten Questions from the Emperor
Manzan's Secrets of the Zen PreceptsOn Terebess Online:
永嘉真覺禪師發願文 Yongjia Zhenjue chanshi fa yuan wen / Yōka Shinkaku Zenji Hotsuganmon
PDF: Chan Teacher Yongjia Zhenjue’s Verse Giving Rise to the Vow
Translated by Kōkyō Henkel, 2021天童山景德寺如淨禪師續語錄 Tiantongshan Jingdesi Rujing Chanshi Xu Yulu / Tendōsan Keitokuji Nyojō Zenji Zoku Goroku
PDF: Tiantong Mountain, Jingde Temple, Chan Teacher Rujing’s Continuing Record of Sayings
Translated by Yashu Zhang and Kōkyō Henkel十種勅問奏對集 Jushū Chokubun Sōtaishū
PDF: Answers to Ten Questions from the Emperor
by Keizan Jōkin Zenji
Translated by Kōkyō Henkel, 2021禪戒訣 Zenkaiketsu
PDF: Secrets of the Zen Precepts
by Manzan Dōhaku (1636-1714)
Translated by Lucy Xiao and Kōkyō Henkel
Study Guides and Compilations by Kokyo
Just This One Mind: A Compilation of Zen Teachings on Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature (Tathagatagarbha) Sutras: Excerpts of all Sutras
Buddha Nature Sutras on Not Eating Meat
Buddhas and Ancestors on True Self: A Compilation of Teachings on Reality of Atman
Shunryu Suzuki Roshi on Buddha-Nature: A Compilation of Teachings
One Continuous Mistake: A Compilation of Teachings on Shoshaku Jushaku
Mystical Communion: A Compilation of Teachings on Kanno Doko
Ordinary Mind: A Compilation of Teachings on Heijo Shin
Self-Fulfilling Samadhi: A Compilation of Teachings on Jijuyu Zammai
Turning the Light Around: A Compilation of Teachings on Eko Hensho
Turning the Light Around: Meditative Inquiry Instructions
Texts for Daily Services: A Study Guide for Zen Liturgy
The Three Treasures: Defined by Dogen, Buddha, and Asanga
History of the Three Collective Pure Precepts
Leaving Home: A Compilation of Teachings on Being a Priest
Contents of Dogen Zenji Zenshu (Complete Collection of Dogen's Writings)
Stages of Awakening in the Buddha Way: Theravada and Mahayana
Yogachara School: Ten Aspects of Mahayana, Eight Consciousnesses, Three Natures
Karma and Rebirth in the Teaching of Buddhas and Ancestors: A Compilation
What Happens After Death: A Compilation of Buddhist Teachings
Zen Dharma Protectors
Brief Guide for Solitary Retreat in Zen Tradition
The Zen Path of Practice-Realization: Suggested Practice Guidelines
Dharma Lineage
Busso shōden bosatsu daikai kechimyaku
The Bloodline of the Buddha’s and Ancestors’ Transmission of the Great Bodhisattva Precepts永平道元 Dōgen Kigen (1200-1253)
孤雲懐奘 Koun Ejō (1198-1280)
徹通義介 Tettsū Gikai (1219-1309)
螢山紹瑾 Keizan Jōkin (1268-1325)
峨山韶碩 Gasan Jōseki (1275-1366)
太源宗真 Taigen Sōshin (?-1371)
梅山聞本 Baizan Monpon (?-1417)
恕仲天誾 Jochū Tengin (1365-1437)
眞巖道空 Shingan Dōkū (1374-1449)
川僧慧濟 Sensō Esai (?-1475)
以翼長佑 Iyoku Chōyū
無外珪言 Mugai Keigon
然室輿廓 Nenshitsu Yokaku
雪窓鳳積 Sessō Hōseki
臺英是星 Taiei Zeshō
南甫元澤 Nampo Gentaku
象田輿耕 Zōden Yokō
天祐祖寅 Ten'yū Soen
建庵順瑳 Ken'an Junsa
朝國廣寅 Chōkoku Kōen
宣岫呑廣 Senshū Donkō
斧傳元鈯 Fuden Gentotsu
大舜感雄 Daishun Kan'yū
天倫感周 Tenrin Kanshū
利山哲禪 Sessan Tetsuzen
富山舜貴 Fuzan Shunki
實山默印 Jissan Mokuin
湷巖梵龍 Sengan Bonryū
大器敎寛 Daiki Kyōkan
圓成宜鑑 Enjo Gikan
祥雲鳳瑞 Shōun Hōzui
砥山得枉 Shizan Tokuchu
南叟心宗 Nansō Shinshū
觀海得音 Kankai Tokuon
古仙倍道 Kosen Baidō
逆質祖順 Gyakushitsu Sojun (187?-1891)
佛門祖學 Butsumon Sogaku (1858-1933) [Suzuki Shunryū's father; Gyokujun So-on's master]
玉潤祖温 Gyokujun So-on (1877-1934)
祥岳俊隆 Shōgaku Shunryū (1904-1971) [鈴木 Suzuki]
禪達妙融 Zentatsu Myōyū (1936-) [Richard Baker]
天眞全機 Tenshin Zenki (1943-) [Reb Anderson]
光梟夜解 Kōkyō Yakai (1966-) [Henkel]