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Paul Demiéville (1894-1979)
Chinese name: 戴密微 Dài Mìwēi
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PDF: Le Concile de Lhasa PDF: Le Recueil de la Salle des patriarches PDF: Poèmes chinois d'avant la mort Entretiens de Lin-tsi |
Buddhism and War PDF: The Mirror of the Mind |
PDF: Le Concile de Lhasa:
une controverse sur le quiétisme entre bouddhistes de I'Inde et de la Chine au VIIIe siècle de l'ère chrétienne,
(Biblothèque de l'Institute des Hautes Études Chinoises, Vol. VII). Paris: Presses Universitaires der France, 1952.
"Le Concile de Lhasa, in which Demiéville attempted to unveil the
history of the controversy over ‘subitism', which animated the
enigmatic Council of Tibet (which some scholars today localize,
not in Lhasa, but in the bSam yas Monastery, while others deny
that such Council ever took place). This work, divided into two
parts (doctrinal and historical), is a precious source of information
on early Chan, and in particular on the Northern School, to which
the Chinese protagonist in the controversy, Moheyan, was heir. It is
regrettable that Demiéville did not follow up on his initial project,
which was to dedicate a second volume to a study of the Chan
doctrine." (Bernard Faure)
PDF: Le Recueil de la Salle des patriarches
"Tsou-t'ang tsi" par Paul Demiéville
T'oung Pao, Second Series, Vol. 56, Livr. 4/5 (1970), pp. 262-286.
靜 Jing (n.d.) & 筠 Yun/Jun (n.d.)
祖堂集 Zutang ji
(Korean:) Chŏng & Un/Kyun: Chodang chip
(Rōmaji:) Jō & In: Sodōshū
(English:) A Collection from the Halls of the Patriachs / Patriarch's Hall Anthology / Ancestral Hall Collection
Compiled in 952, published in Korea in 1245, biographies of 253 figures
Momies d'Extrême-Orient
article par Paul Demiéville
[ lire en ligne ]
Journal des Savants, Année 1965/1, pp. 144-170
Fait partie d'un numéro thématique : Janvier-Mars 1965
Buddhism and War
by Paul Demiéville
Translated by Michelle Kendall
Buddhist Warfare. Edited by Michael K. Jerryson and Mark Juergensmeyer. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
“Le bouddhisme et la guerre” originally published as a postscript to G. Renondeau's 1957 work, L'Histoire des moines-guerriers du Japon.
Paul Demieville: a brief sketch of his career
Born in Lausanne, Switzerland, on September 13, 1894; a French national by decree dated October 5, 1931.
Licence es Lettres (Universite de Paris) 1914.
Diplome de l'Ecole des Langues Orientales, Paris, 1919.
Member of the Ecole francaise d'Extreme-Orient, at Hanoi, 1919-1924.
Charge de missions d'etudes in Indochina and in China, 1920-1922.
Professor at the University of Amoy, China, 1924-1926.
Pensionnaire then Director of the Maison Franco-Japonaise at Tokyo, 1926-1930.
Professor at the Ecole des Langues Orientales, 1931-1945.
Charge de conferences at the Institut des Hautes Etudes chinoises, 1934.
Charge d'un cours at the Sorbonne, 1937-1938.
Professeur au College de France, 1946-1964.
Redacteur en chef Hobogirin, Dictionnaire encyclopedique du bouddhisme d'apres les sources chinoises et japonaises, since 1929.
Co-Director with J.J. L. Duyvendak of Toung Pao, Archives concernant l'histoire, les langues, la geographic, l'ethnographie et les arts de l'Asie orientale, 1945-1954;
Director, 1954-1955; Co-Director with A. F. P. Hulsewe, 1956-1975.
Died on March 23, 1979.