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Victor Sōgen Hori (1944-)
堀, 源一 宗源 Hori, Gen'ichi Sōgen
Victor Sōgen Hori is the author and co-author of numerous books and articles, including Zen Sand: The Book of Capping Phrases for Zen Koan Practice (University of Hawai’i Press, 2003), Lectures On The Ten Oxherding Pictures (University of Hawai’i Press, 2004), Wild Geese: Buddhism in Canada (McGil Queen’s University Press, 2010) and Flowers on the Rock: Global and Local Buddhisms in Canada (McGill-Queen’s UP 2014). After taking a doctorate in Western philosophy at Stanford University in 1976, that same year was ordained a Zen monk. After devoting the next thirteen years to training the Rinzai Zen headquarters temple of Daitoku-ji (大徳寺) in Kyoto, he returned to Canada to begin academic life. In 1994, he came to McGill University as the professor in Japanese Religion and Buddhist Studies. In 2015, he retired and now lives in Victoria BC.
Zen Sand: The Book of Capping Phrases for Zen Koan Practice.
Compiled and translated by Victor Sogen Hori. (Nanzan Library of Asian Religion and Culture No. 4). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2003.Zen Sand is a classic collection of verses aimed at aiding practitioners of koan meditation to negotiate the difficult relationship between insight and language. As such it represents a major contribution to both Western Zen practice and English-language Zen scholarship. In Japan the traditional Rinzai Zen koan curriculum includes the use of jakugo, or "capping phrases." Once a monk has successfully replied to a koan, the Zen master orders the search for a classical verse to express the monk's insight into the koan. Special collections of these jakugo were compiled as handbooks to aid in that search. Until now, Zen students in the West, lacking this important resource, have been severely limited in carrying out this practice. `Zen Sand' combines and translates two standard jakugo handbooks and opens the way for incorporating this important tradition fully into Western Zen practice. For the scholar, `Zen Sand' provides a detailed description of the jakugo practice and its place in the overall koan curriculum, as well as a brief history of the Zen phrase book. This volume also contributes to the understanding of East Asian culture in a broader sense. "The best scholarly book on actual Zen practice in Japan to appear in recent decades." -Journal of Chinese Religions "This beautiful volume is recommended unreservedly. It is a major contribution to Western zen for academics and practitioners alike." -Zen Book Reviews
PDF: Lectures On The Ten Oxherding Pictures
by Yamada Mumon; translated by Victor Sōgen Hori
University of Hawai‛i Press, 2004PDF: Buddhism in the Global Eye: Beyond East and West
PDF: Flowers on the Rock: Global and Local Buddhisms in Canada
Articles/chapters in books and monographs
PDF: Kensho and Koan in the Rinzai Zen Curriculum
in: The Koan, edited by Steven Heine and Dale Wright (New York, 2000), 280-315.PDF: "The Nature of the Rinzai (Linji) Koan Practice" & "The Steps of Koan Practice,"
Reprinted from Zen Sand
in Sitting With Koans, edited by John Daido Loori. Boston, 2006. pp. 117-130 & 131-148.PDF: Zen Koan Capping Phrase Books: Literary Study and the Insight “Not Founded on Words or Letters”
by Victor Sōgen Hori
in: Zen Classics: Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism (New York, 2006), pp. 171-214.Preface and "Liberal Education and the Teaching of Buddhism"
in The Wheel and the Web: Collected Papers of the Teaching Buddhism Conference, edited by Victor Sogen Hori, Richard P. Hayes and Mark Shields (London: Curzon Press, 2002).PDF: "Japanese Zen in America: Americanizing the Face in the Mirror,"
in The Faces of Buddhism in America, edited by Charles Prebish and Kenneth Tanaka (University of California Press, 1998), 49-78.PDF: "Teaching and Learning in the Rinzai Zen Monastery,"
by Victor Sōgen Hori
Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Winter, 1994), pp. 5-35;
reprinted in Teaching and Learning in Japan, ed. by Thomas Rohlen and Gerald LeTendre (Cambridge University Press, 1996), 20-49."Introduction to Zen Buddhism: A History, Vol 2."
by Victor Sogen Hori
Features in Zen Buddhism: A History Volume 2 by Henrich Dumoulin © 2006 World Wisdom, Inc