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佐々木承周 Sasaki Jōshū (1907-2014)
佐々木杏山承周 Sasaki
Kyōzan Jōshū
Denkyō-shitsu (傳響室) Kyōzan (杏山) Jōshū (承周) Sasaki (佐々木)
Denkyō-shitsu Kyōzan Jōshū (1907-2014)
Born in 1907 in Miyagi prefecture, the youngest son of the Sasaki family entered Zuigan-ji near Sendai at the age of fourteen. Ordained to be a monk the boy received the Dharma name Jōshū (承周). The young monk began his training at Zuiryō-ji near Sapporo, on the most northern of the Japanese islands, Hokkaido, where he trained under
Jōten Sōkō Miura 承天宗杲三浦 (1871—1958).
At age 21 Jōshū was made an Oshō and received the name Kyōzan (杏山), Apricot Mountain. Jōten Rōshi was later appointed head-abbot of Myōshinji and Jōshū followed along. In 1948 he became his teacher's personal successor and received the sanzen room name Denkyō-shitsu (傳響室). After that Sasaki Rōshi held positions at various temples including the dilapidated temple of Hakuin's teacher, Dokyo Etan, which he rebuilt. It is noteworthy that Jōshū Rōshi's grandfather teacher was
Banryō (also Banryu) Zenso Matsubara 盤龍禅礎松原 (1848—1935),
who like his teacher Dokuon Jōshu Ogino 独園承珠荻野 (1819—1895) made great contributions to keep Rinzai Zen alive during the Meiji area and the persecution of Buddhism.
In 1962 Jōshū Rōshi was sent to the United States at the request of a few practitioners in Los Angeles. A ceremony for send-off was held, and on July 21, 1962 Sasaki Rōshi arrived in the United States at LAX International Airport. Since then an organization of training centers, temples, and practice groups have formed which is known by the mother temple name Rinzai-ji. Many monks and nuns were ordained and trained, and a number of about 20 disciples underwent Suiji-shiki (垂示式) or Temple Dharma Transmission and became Zen teachers in their own right.
In October 2013, at the age of 106, Sasaki Rōshi retired officially from teaching. The senior disciples of Rinzai-ji, the Oshōs, continue their teaching activities and keep the teachings of Tathagata Zen alive.
On July 27, 2014 Jōshū Rōshi entered the great transformation. He had been in the United States for 52 years and a week, tirelessly dedicating himself to the transmission of dharma.
Sasaki's Dharma Lineage
白隱慧鶴 Hakuin Ekaku (1686-1769)
峨山慈棹 Gasan Jitō (1727-1797)
隱山惟琰 Inzan Ien (1751-1814)
太元孜元 Taigen Shigen (1768-1837)
大拙承演 Daisetsu Jō'en (1797–1855)
独園承珠 Dokuon Jōshu (1819-1895) [荻野 Ogino]
盤龍禪礎 Banryū Zenso (1849-1935) [松原 Matsubara]
承天宗杲 Jōten Sōkō (1871-1958) [三浦 Miura]
杏山承周 Kyōzan Jōshū (1907-2014) [佐々木 Sasaki]
The Sasaki Archive - Joshu Roku™ - 承周錄
The sayings and doings of Joshu Sasaki
For Whose Best Interest
Stuart Lachs - Erfurt IAHR Conf. 2015 July 29, 2015
PDF: Joshu Sasaki Roshi: About Zazen
PDF: Buddha Is the Center of Gravity: Teisho of Joshu Sasaki Roshi at Lama Foundation (1974)
PDF: Tower Smiling
Winter 1975-76, Cimarron Zen Center of Rinzai-ji, Los Angeles
Joshu Sasaki Dies
by James Ford
I've just learned that Kyozan Joshu Sasaki Roshi died at 4:25 pm, this Sunday, the 27th of July, 2014, at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. He was one hundred and seven years old.
Sasaki Roshi was the founder and abbot of Mount Baldy Zen Center as well as head of the Rinzai-ji organization of Zen centers.
He was the most credentialed Zen teacher of the many Japanese priests who have come to live and teach in the West. However, his teaching career in the west was followed by whispers and allegations, and in the last years by public allegations of sexual misconduct, non-consensual groping, and coerced sexual relationships.While a few of his priests and at least two affiliated centers have disaffiliated, most have not, and the continuing scandals and the Rinzai-ji board's inability to either hold him to account or even reign in his behaviors, allegations of groping lasted well in to his hundreds, cast a shadow across the whole organization.
Sasaki Roshi left about twenty fully ordained priests, although none received dharma transmission, authorization as full spiritual directors within the Rinzai style. So, ironically, a Rinzai master leaves an organization that does not advance a formal koan curriculum. What will happen for the organization next is an open question.
By all accounts a great teacher.
By all accounts a sexual predator.
A great sadness for the Dharma come west.
Dissolving the Self: Rinzai Zen training at an American monastery
Kaisa Puhakka
The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 1998, Vol.30, No.2, pp. 135-160
I never really understood
what he said
but every now and then
I find myself
barking with the dog
or bending with the irises
or helping out
in other little ways
At the time of writing
Jikan Leonard Cohen was a monk practicing
at Mt. Baldy Zen Center.
Cohen left the Center in Spring 1999.
A rósi
Terebess Gábor fordításaSose értettem igazán
mit mond
de hébe-hóba
azon kapom magam
hogy ugatok a kutyával
vagy hajlongok az íriszekkel
vagy besegítek
valami egyéb aprósággal
[rósi = zen mester; ez esetben: Joshu Sasaki Roshi, Mt. Baldy Zen Center]
After listening to Mozart
we go around
with pianos
strapped to our backs
Baldy-hegyi szerzetesek
Terebess Gábor fordításaMozartot hallgatunk
utána hátunkra kötött