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嚴陽善信 Yanyang Shanxin (n.d.)
aka 嚴陽善昭 Yanyang Shanzhao
(Rōmaji:) Genyō Zenshin, aka Genyō Zenshō
(Magyar:) Jen-jang San-hszin v. Jen-jang San-csao
Yanyang Shanxin (Yen-yang Shan-hsin, Genyo Zenshin), n.d. One of two Dharma-heirs of Zhaozhou. Yanyang was the monk who appears in the 開元録 Kaigenroku as "the monk".
A monk asked, "How is it when you have nothing?"
Zhaozhou said, "Throw it away."
The monk said, "I have nothing. How can I throw it away?"
Zhaozhou said, "Then go on carrying it.
by Andy Ferguson
In: Zen's Chinese Heritage: The Masters and Their Teachings, Wisdom Publications, p. 199.
YANYANG SHANZHAO (n.d.) was one of the few students of Zhaozhou Congshen who went on to become recognized Zen teachers. Few details about his life remain. He lived and taught in Xinxing, located in ancient Hongzhou.
When Yanyang first met Zhaozhou, he asked, “When not even a single thing can be picked up, what then?”
Zhaozhou said, “Put it down.”
Yanyang said, “Since not a single thing can be taken up, how can it be put down?”
Zhaozhou said, “If you can’t put it down, then carry it away.”
Upon hearing these words Yanyang experienced great enlightenment.
After Yanyang assumed the abbacy of a temple, a monk asked him, “What is Buddha?”
Yanyang said, “A clump of dirt.”
The monk asked, “What is Dharma?”
Yanyang said, “The ground is moving.”
The monk asked, “What is Sangha?”
Yanyang said, “Eating porridge and rice.”
A monk asked, “What is Xinxing’s water?”*
Yanyang said, “It’s in the river before your eyes.”
*A river near Shanxin's temple was named 新興 Xinxing. The Chinese name means "new refreshing."
A monk asked, “What is ‘meeting a thing as it manifests’?”
Yanyang said, “Give me a meditation bench.”
Yanyang kept a snake and a tiger that would eat from his hand.
Gabalyodó indák [宗門葛藤集 Shūmon kattōshū]
Fordította: Terebess Gábor
6. Csao-csou: „Tedd le!”
– Üres kézzel jöttem – szabadkozott Jen-jang San-hszin, mikor meglátogatta Csao-csou-t.
– Tedd le! – mondta Csao-csou.
– Mit tegyek le, ha egyszer semmit se hoztam?
– Akkor csak cipeld tovább!
Jen-jang abban a pillanatban megvilágosult.*Jen-jang San-hszin / Yanyang Shanxin [Rōmaji: Genyō Zenshin] 嚴陽善信 (n.d.)
** Csao-csou Cung-sen / Zhaozhou Congshen [Rōmaji: Jōshū Jūshin] 趙州從諗 (778-897)