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山田匡道 Yamada Masamichi, aka 山田凌雲 Yamada Ryōun (1940-)

- Yamada Masamichi [son of Yamada Kōun], a businessman with a graduate degree from Harvard (1969), was born during his father's sojourn in Manchuria. He began study under Yasutani in 1956, and experienced kenshō in 1964. In 1978 he finished his formal koan training (hasan) and he was appointed Shōshike in 1991, following a second major kenshō experience during a sesshin held the previous year.
- Ryoun Yamada, aka Yamada Ryoun or Yamada Masamichi, the son of the late Yamada Koun, is the current Zen master of San'un Zendo in Kamakura, Japan and the Abbot of the Sanbo Zen school of Zen Buddhism. Sanbo Zen is a lay organization of Zen, so Yamada also worked at Mitsubishi Bank and Mitsubishi Securities. Currently he heads the Itoki Corporation. As of the late 1990s, Yamada was returning to Japan only a few times each year.
- Ryôun Masamichi Yamada (b. 1940) is the 4th and current serving abbot of Sanbo Zen. He currently serves as head teacher of San'un Zendo in Kamakura, Japan. He became a student of Haku'un Yasutani Roshi when he was 16 years old. In 1978 he finished his formal Zen training under Yamada Kôun Roshi and in 1985 he received Dharma transmission from Kôun Roshi. As a Zen Master (shôshike) of the Sanbô Kyôdan he took over the office of the Abbot of the Sanbô Kyôdan in October 2004.
- The San'un Zendo in Kamakura is not a monastery; nor is it a zendo where one can be a resident. Those who practice in the Zendo live elsewhere and have their respective work in society. Anyone who would like to take part in a zazenkai, sesshin, or daily evening sitting in the Zendo must be introduced by a person who already is a member of the group.

- 山田凌雲 ( やまだ・りょううん ) 老師は 1940 年満州の生まれ。 16 才で安谷老師の弟子となり、 1978 年に山田耕雲老師の許で罷参、 1985 年耕雲老師より嗣法。三宝教団正師家。 2004 年 10 月、三宝教団管長に就任した。