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Кирилл Юрьевич Солонин (1969-)
Kirill J. Solonin; Cyril Juryevich Solonin; Soloin Kij 索羅寧


In 1992, graduated from St Petersburg State University, the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

In 1998, defended the PhD dissertation Chinese Buddhist Schools in the Tangut State of Xi Xia [ Китайские буддийские школы в Тангутском государстве Си-Ся ].

From September 1, 1992, up to January 1,2004, worked at the St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Department of Oriental Manuscripts and Documents.

From 1992 up to present, works at St Petersburg State University, the Faculty of Philosophy; at the moment, the Head of the Department of Oriental Philosophy and Culturology .

Major research interests: Buddhology, Far Eastern Buddhism, Buddhist philosophy and culture, Tangut studies, the study of Tangut mss.

Wrote abote 30 papers, including two monographs such as The Twelve Kingdoms [ Двенадцать царств ], edition of the text, with introduction, translation and notes by C.Solonin, St Petersburg 1995; The Acquisition of the Doctrine. The Huayan-Chan Tradition in Buddhism of the Tangut State of Xi Xia [ Обретение Учения. Традиция Хуаянь-Чань в буддизме тангутского государства Си-Ся ], St Petersburg State University 2007.


Publications on Tangut Studies


K Solonin. “Chan Contemplation” in the Tangut Buddhism //
Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (2014) 7 (2), 203-245

K. J. Solonin. The Fragments of the Tangut Translation of the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch Preserved in the Fu Ssu-nien Library, Academia Sinica. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 79 (2) 2008. pp. 163-185.

This paper is devoted to the textual research of the fragments of the Tangut Translation of the Platform Sotra of the Sixth Patriarch, discovered in the holdings of the Fu Ssu-nien Library. Academia Sinica. The translation of this text is approximately dated by 1070, thus making the Sutra one of the earliest Tangut texts This paper contains reconstructions of the Tangut text, alongside available Chinese versions and a textual studs of the newly identified fragments. Research into the translation techniques has proven that the main translation principles mere not fixed by the time the translation saris undertaken. The mian conclusion of the present paper is that although the ness fragments closely correlate with the textual tradition of the Dunhuang texts, the Tangut translation is not identical with the extant versions of the Sutra originating from Dunhuang. The conclusions of this paper are thus in line with those of Shi Jinbo, who had researched other sets of fragments of the same text stored in various libraries and museums throughout China and Japan.


Kirill Solonin. The “Perfect Teaching” and Liao Sources of Tangut Chan Buddhism: A Study of Jiexing zhaoxin tu //
Asia Major, Volume 26, part 1, 2013


K. Solonin, “The Teaching of Daoshen in Tangut Translation: The Mirror of Mind”
in: F. Girard, I. Hamar, R. Gimello eds., Huayan Buddhism in East Asia: Origins and Adaptation of a Visual Culture, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2012.

K. Solonin, “The Chan Teaching of Nanyang Huizhong (?-775) in Tangut Translation,”
in: N. Hill ed., Medieval Tibeto-Burmese Linguistics, Leiden: Brill 2012. pp. 274-352.


Solonin K.J. "The Twenty-Five Answers Concerning the Buddhist Principles": A Tangut Buddhist Manual from St. Petersburg Tangut Collection //
Written Momuments of the Orient [Письменные памятники Востока], 2(9), 2008. P. 147-170.


K. J. Solonin. Hongzhou Buddhism in Xixia and the Heritage of Zongmi (780–841) : A Tangut Source //
Asia Major, THIRD SERIES, Vol. 16, No. 2 (2003), pp. 57-103


Solonin K. The Tang Heritage of Tangut Buddhism. Teachings Classification in the Tangut Text „The Mirror“ //
Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6, No 3, September 2000. P. 39-48.


Solonin K. The Masters of Hongzhou in the Tangut State //
Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4, No 3, September 1998. P. 10-15.

K. J. Solonin. Tangut Chan Buddhism and Guifeng Zong-mi
Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal, No. 11, (1998) pp. 365-424.