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Back to the Modern American Haiku Poets

H. F. Noyes' Haiku
H. F. (Tom) Noyes

solemn tykes squat
round a heap of wet stones—
tadpole funeral

beyond all tallied time
to find this virgin space
and here encounter now!

as if nothing happened
—the crow there
the willow here

rusty toy truck
stuck on the mudbank—
a cargo of blossoms

full moon rising—
nowhere on the empty beach
to hide our love

raking aside leaves
on the backyard pond
I release the moon

these death poems—
grandson hearing Basho's
asks for mine

reaching for berries
the tip of my nose
in thrush song

adobe church—
old belltower leans against
a broken ladder

bright fall day—
the brook wanders off
its shimmer lingers

morning sun—
the cat stretches into
her just-wakened

moonlight stillness—
beside its shadow
shadow each stone

frozen marshland—
the moonshiner’s rowboat
moored to its shadow

evening walk—
the creak of my boots
invades the stars

old picnic table—
smoothing the oilcloth
my hand remembers

Christmas fir—
walking it home in the breeze
its little whisper

arguing a point …
the tug with its haul of logs
gone out of sight

the Milky Way streams—
a farmer bends to his work
widening a ditch

Midsummer dusk:
after the coo of doves
a softer silence

in the darkened park —
my pipe's feeble glow
snow turned to slush

Saturday downpour-
swiveling the stool
at the soda counter

father and son
hunching along together-
the snow banked road

fountain spray
and the blindman's upturned face
finding each other

shooting the rapids-
even the back of his head
looks surprised

with the morning glories-
painted on my cup

feeling foolish love
for the water in the stream
just passing by

deepening autumn-
soundless drift of leaves
against the boathouse

the geese fly off...
and it comes to me
that I am still here

