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Back to the Modern American Haiku Poets

Haiku by John Brandi (1943-)

Rain Blows Through Snapshot Press, 2023

A frog too
crosses the log bridge
from the beanfield

a raindrop.
Inside it another
has fallen.

about to kill an ant
but no it's carrying
a corpse

after the storm
a dragonfly
pinned to the cactus

after the rain
bomb craters filled
with stars

around the bell
blue sky

autumn dusk
a bobbing branch
where the crow has flown

between the sound
of the sea
a brass band

pollen rising
from the unswept path

coyote's Charlie Parker

fallen leaves
the abbot sweeps
around them

In the rain
before the dawn: snails

in the mirror
the old man I was afraid of
as a child

instead of friends
he visits
another mountain

late moon
each thought the other
had the key

last night's dream
wrote it with the wrong end
of the pencil

market day
on the prettiest woman
the biggest knife

morning chill
every haystack leans
to the sun

no romance she warns
and thus plants
the idea

now the fallen leaves
have buried the path
the trail is clear

old monk
pruning plums
my father's thin arms

on the pallbearer's feet
the dead man's

returning my change
the weaver's
blue hands

so broke
size up the porch
for firewood

so cold
naming the stars
to keep warm

The rumps
of the horses - darker
after the storm

the bramble gatherer
lifts his chin
to show the way

thinking of retirement
he realizes
he never had a job

wake in a new land
water music
from swaying bamboo

without clothes
it's different

writing postcards
no mother
no father