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Daruma by

曽我蛇足 Soga Jasoku (d. 1483)

曾我蛇足 「達磨・臨済・徳山像」(重要文化財)
Soga Jasoku. The Daruma triptych [sanpukutsui 三幅対]. Late 15th century, from the collection of Daitokuji, Yōtokuin. 大徳寺養徳院所蔵.

Its one great treasure (generally to be seen in the Imperial Museum, Kyoto) is the superb set of three figure studies in light color from the brush of Shubun's son, Soga Jasoku (d. 1483). These three kakemono, represent Daruma, Rinzai, and Tokusan, famous Indian and Chinese patriarchs of Buddhism, who lived during the sixth and ninth centuries. Jasoku has here given us two well-defined contrasts in style. For he shows his equal mastery of light and facile brushwork, as evinced in his grim and wild-eyed Daruma, and of a heavier, a more sharp and Sesshu-like treatment in the figures of the two Chinese patriarchs. The expression of the faces of all three is one of unutterable sadness and longing; of a heavy-hearted yearning for the truth, under which their gaunt and emaciated frames seem to tremble. The sorrow and pain which Jasoku has somehow managed to impart to those great sombre eyes of the central figure (Daruma) are well-nigh haunting in the intensity of their calm and abstracted appeal. The set, to us, constitutes one of the finest examples of figure designs, of its genre, to be met with among the many idealistic religious portraits still remaining among the temple treasures of Japan.


Releveled at eye line. Tokusan has asymmetrical eyes relative to our horizon and a stick off angled similarly.




臨済義玄像 (りんざいぎげんぞう)

一休宗純賛 伝曾我蛇足筆 室町時代(15世紀)|京都・真珠庵蔵
Cf. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_769fb5f30102whsw.html

Portrait of Linji Yixuan (Rinzai Gigen)

Attributed to Soga Jasoku; Inscription by Ikkyu Sojun
Muromachi period, 15th century
Important Cultural Property
Shinju-an Temple, Kyoto


臨済禅師像 古嶽宗亘賛 (こがくそうこう)  元信印
年代世紀 室町時代 16世紀
所蔵 大分県臼杵市・見星寺 (けんしょうじ)


龍雲寺(蔵) 江戸期




Portrait of 一休宗純 Ikkyū Sōjun (1394-1481)