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正岡子規 Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902)
Shiki's last portrait, December 24, 1900. Photo: 正岡明 Masaoka Akira
その子規の俳句を、春、夏、秋、冬、新年、雑 に分類して掲載しました。
季語での検索もできますので、ぜひ覗いてみてください。出典:『季語別子規俳句集』 編集・発行 松山市立子規記念博物館
年代 Date 季節 Season 分類 Classification (plants, animals, human, astronomy etc.) 季語 Kigo (seasonal word)
Born in Matsuyama Castle Town (present Matsuyama-city) on September 17.
Went to Tokyo where his uncle lived.
Entered Tokyo University Preparatory School.
Entered the Tokiwa Kai Dormitory of the Matsuyama Domain, Hisamatsu Clan. Expectorated blood for the first time.
Expectoration of blood lasted for a week. Began calling himself" Shiki ".
Entered into the Philosophy Department of The College of Liberal Arts of Imperial University, and later transfered to the Japanese Literature Department.
1892 :
Wrote travel writings and stories about haiku in the newspaper, Nihon. Contracted tuberculosis.
Withdrew from the university.
Traveled to Kinshu, Qing as a war correspondent in the Sino-Japanese War. On his way back to Japan, spit up blood and returned to Matsuyama for recuperation. Stayed in the lodging, Gudabutsu An, where a Matsuyama East High School Teacher, Natsume Soseki (later to be a famous author in his own right) was also staying, and started his reform of haiku with members of Shofu Kai.
The tuberculosis was complicated by spinal caries.
Became involved in publishing the haiku magazine, Hototogisu (Cuckoo) in Matsuyama.
Wrote Utayomi ni Atauru Sho (Book for poets), advocating the necessity of reforming Tanka. Held poetry study meetings on the poetry anthology, The Anthology of Myriad Leaves.
Held a writing study group, Yamakai, advocating " Shaseibun (highly descriptire writing style)".
Died on September 19 at 36 years old. Laid to rest at Dairyiiji Temple in Kita-ku, Tokyo.
SHIKI: The Discovery
of Haiku
1868 Japan launched into a civilized society from the feudal age. Western culture
had a great effect on it and civilization rapidly developed modern culture.
In the previous year 1867, Masaoka Shiki was born in Matsuyama. His father served
the Matsuyama domain in the lower rank of samurai. Shiki lived to be 35 years
old and died of tuberculosis of spine in 1902. In his last seven years, he had
to be confined to his bed; however, during that time he accomplished three of
his great works on modern literature: Haiku Reform, Tanka reform, Advocating Sketch-from-Life-Prose.
1. Shiki's Discovery of Literature
When Shiki was in the fifth grade he composed a Chinese poem.
一声弧月下 啼血不堪聞
半夜空欹枕 故郷万里雲
Under the moonlight, cuckoo cried as if it coughed up blood.
The sad voice kept me waking up,
the cry reminded me of my old home town far away.
(It is said that a Japanese cuckoo, hototogisu, 子規 (Shiki) will sing until it coughs out blood because of its sad voice.)
In those days Chinese poetry and prose were considered as important learning and culture, so even young children used to compose them. The interesting thing about this young Shiki's Chinese poem is that he composed on a sad voice of cuckoo which would cough up blood. Later he was to cough out blood and he picked out his pen name, 子規 (Shiki) a hototogisu. Shiki wrote about 900 Chinese poems in his life.
Shiki's name in his own handwriting
At the age of 15, Shiki began to composed tanka with 31 Japanese letters of 5-7-5-7-7 syllables. He composed about 2300 tanka in his life.
2. Interest in Haiku
green in the field
was pounded into
rice cake
草餅 a green herb rice cake is made of rice pounded in a mortar with steamed leaves of mugworts. The expression ' green in the field is pound into rice cake' was interesting, but overuses the images.
When he was 22, he coughed out blood. He changed his name to Shiki,which is an another name for the bird a Japanese cuckoo 'hototogisu'. Since those days, he was inspired by his uncle, haiku teacher Ohara Kiju. He began to devote himself into haiku. Shiki composed over 25,500 haiku in his short life. After Ohara Kiju passed away, he began to classify old haiku according to season words. At that time there were several ways of using season words and they were different according to writers. For instance, there were many kinds of 'tofu' : cold tofu, yu-dofu (a simmered hot water tofu), etc. So he began to consider what season each word should express.
3. Haiku as a Sketch of Life
When he was 24, he had 3 day walk around Musashino ( fields around present Warabi-shi and Kumagawa-shi in Saitama Prefecture where there used to be lots of rice paddy fields and forests.) at the end of the year 1891, when he realized that word play would not enough to express the truth and that we should write things as they are. He had an open-eye to haiku for the first time. He composed:
cold winter blast
a cord of a sedge hat
cut into my neck夕日負ふ六部背高き枯野かな
the sun set behind
a traveling monk
tall in the withered field
Next year in 1892 he went to a hill ,Takao-san in the western suburbs of Tokyo and composed the following haiku:
wheat sowing
the mulberry trees
lift bunched branches松杉や枯野の中の不動堂
pine and cypress
in a desolate filed
a Fudodo shrine
He wrote a simple haiku from a simple common sight. This was a new experiment and discovery of new material and vision. Then he composed another sketch haiku in 1894.
locusts fly low
over rice paddies
in the dim sun ray赤蜻蛉筑波に雲もなかりけり
red dragon fly
in the sky of Tsukuba
no cloud
The former haiku has a very close eye to the insects and the latter one expresses a very spacy field with a dragon fly focused.
4. Shiki in Matsuyama
At the age of 28 he returned to Matsuyama and spent over 50 days recuperating from tuberculosis with Soseki Natsume, one of his best friends and a very famous author. Soseki was in Matsuyama as a teacher of English at Matsuyama Middle School. Soseki was living at Gudabutsuan, where many Shiki's friends visited. Soseki and town people were quite inspired with Shiki's new type haiku. They gathered around him every night to hold haiku meetings. They also enjoyed writing haiku while taking a walk. Shiki composed this haiku when they paid a visit to Ishite Temple, the 51st pilgrimage temple.
見上ぐれば塔の高さよ秋の空 composed on September 20 in 1895.
looking up
what a high pagoda
in the autumn sky
This haiku just has a right direct expression of the great three storied pagoda, soaring to the clear autumn sky.
At Hojoji Temple,where Buddhism Ji-sect founder Saint Ippen was born, he composed:
a gay quarter
just ten steps away
autumn breeze
Just near the temple there used to be a gay quarter.
Also he composed another haiku at Dogo Hot Spring from the building of Dogo hot spring spa, which is very near the temple.
by persimmon trees
hot spring
From the 3rd floor of the main building of Dogo hot spring spa, we see the castle to the west, rice paddies beyond and hot spring quarters, where each house had persimmon trees in the yard. They were astringent persimmons. We remove the astringency of persimmons with low-class distilled spirits, 'shochu'. We spray 'shochu' over them until they become sweet, Shiki loved this sweetened persimmons very much. As for his haiku appreciation, that haiku describes only visible scene, and to tell the truth, we may say it is not so good a haiku. Shiki could have eaten up 15 or 16 of the sweetened persimmons at one time. So persimmon trees might have attracted Shiki.
5. Haiku Reform
Through his haiku exercise, he studied how to improve haiku and wrote a theoretical text on haiku literature, 'Haiku Taiyo', The Element of Haiku.
At this time haiku was considered to be a low rank literature. It used to be composed in the hangout of the barbers or rikisha-men. But Shiki's 'Haiku Taiyo' inspired people and they began to think better of haiku.
Shiki composed more haiku:
water plant blossoms
still white
autumn windひょっと葉は牛が喰ふたか曼珠沙華
I wonder
a cow has eaten up the leaves
a spider lily松山の城をのせたり稲むしろ
Matsuyama Castle
lifted over the mats
of rice fields
In the traditional Japanese literature, people used to attach much importance to 'yugen' and 'wabi'. 'Yugen' is the subtle and profound quiet beauty and 'wabi' is quiet refinement. These concepts are based on imagination. But Shiki made much use of realism as a methodology and also hit upon an idea of sketch, a technique of drawing and then proposed the philosopher Hegel's theory of "Aufheben", Sublimation as a true literature. He thought of how to use the selection of combination with realism. He advocated 'the 3rd literature; Non imaginary and non realistic literature'.
On his way to Tokyo, he dropped in at Nara, and composed the best known haiku.
I bite a persimmon
the bell tolls
Horyu-ji Templewhenever I bite a persimmon a bell tolls Hōryū-ji Temple
the temple bell rings
(version by Debra Woolard Bender )
as I eat a persimmon--
(version by Paul Conneally )
taste of persimmon
as sharp as the bells
(version by Laurene Post)
Sick in bed, drawing by Shiki
Shortly after, he suffered much agonized pain and had to be confined to his sick bed for seven years. Although he was a newspaper correspondent at Nihon Shinbun newspaper company, he could not get to work. During that painful period in bed, he initiated his haiku and tanka reform.
6. Some Interesting Haiku
Let's appreciate some of his interesting haiku:
猫恋 (in 1896)
Title: Cat's Love
My cat Choma
waiting for neighbor's cat Tama
at night.
This haiku is humorous and it contains the real cats' names 'Choma' and 'Tama'.
many a time
asking the height of
the snow
Since there was not so much snow in Matsuyama, Shiki might have been interested in the snow and he was curious about snow like a child. He kept such innocent spirit of a child.
幼子や青きを踏みし足の裏 (in 1898)
an infant
steps on the green grass
This green grass haiku evokes us of the touch of the child's barefoot on the green grass.
at this time
morning glories fix the color
deep blue
The summer is advancing and the color of the morning glories has become most blue.
I eat green apples
facing to peonies
I will die
In this peony haiku, both 'green apples' and 'peony' are summer season words. It is usually said we should not use two season words because the haiku will be out of focus with two images. But this haiku is beautiful and it describes Shiki's character very well. Shiki liked fruit very much. When he wrote the haiku, he had eaten apples to his heart content, thinking of the famous traditional haiku master Buson, who composed famous beautiful haiku on peonies. Also Shiki believed Buson was the greatest haiku poet that people should follow his way.
Shiki's characteristic realism is not such realism as observing things merely objectively but a value of realism appreciating the objects profoundly and reaching a mental state of accepting just as they are, a state of simplicity.
7. Shiki's Curiosity and Humor
At the age of 34, his friend bought a new record player and they listened to Western Laughing Songs. In no time Shiki composed a humorous poem.
crows come flying
scatter their dropping
on a man Gonbe, on the head,
a-ha-ha! a-ha-ha! a-ha-ha! . . . . . . . (in 1901)
In spite of his pain, he still seems to have had such sense of humor. Everyday he had high fever. He was thirsty. Then he composed:
春深く腐りし蜜柑好みけり (in 1901)
full of spring
rotten oranges
how sweet!
He still devoted himself to eating fruit. Writing and eating were only his pleasure in his sick bed. He submitted his article to the newspaper every day.
He was tortured by pain, but when morphine could mask the main, he enjoyed painting.
While the death is closing to Shiki, he composed a haiku on a cicada.
a late summer cicada
at the top of his voice
chirping, and chirping . . . . . . .
The image of the life of the cicada overlaps his fate close to death.
8. Deathbed Haiku
On the morning of September, with the assistance of Hekigoto, one of his successor who was nursing him and his sister Ritsu, he wrote down three final haiku.
sponge gourd has bloomed
choked by phlegm
a departed soul
Sponge gourd vine juice was used to relieve coughing, but it could no longer help Shiki. Death came at one o'clock the following morning. Even sponge gourd, which is not so elegant, became the theme of his haiku. He found the poetic taste in it and took himself for a hotoke buddha (a departed soul).
----------- based on a talk given by Prof. Shigeki Wada, former curator of the Shiki Memorial Museum, for the EPIC 'Hand's On' project.
Two Portraits of Shiki by 中村不折 Nakamura Fusetsu (1866-1943)
Shiki in sickbed
Shiki's Last Writing
http://www.cc.matsuyama-u.ac.jp/~shiki/kim/newlast3haiku.htmlBecause of a debilitating disease Masaoka Shiki had to be confined to his bed for almost 7 years until he passed away. Despite the pain, he continued writing poems while lying on his back. When Shiki came near to death, one of his disciples, Hekigoto was at Shiki's bedside. Hekigoto wrote about how Shiki wrote his final three haiku as follows.
It was around 10 o'clock on the morning of September 18.
I dipped his old writing brush, whose stem and brush were both thin, full of ink and had him hold it in his right hand.
Then quite abruptly in the center of the paper Shiki began to write readily "sponge gourd has bloomed ", and a little below that phrase, he again moved his brush in a breath "choked by phlegm"
I was a little curious what he was going to write next and was watching the paper closely, then at last he wrote "a departed soul", which bit into my heart.
Hekigoto was very touched when Shiki began to write the poem. Shiki was so weak, and desperately coughing, but he still had a determination to write these haiku.
The three death haiku poems by Shiki written by his own hand about 13 to 14 hours before his death which occurred around 1 a.m. 19 September 1902.
The one in the centre in the largest letters and in four lines is the first poem he wrote:
hechima saite tan no tsumarishi hotoke kanathe gourd flowers bloom,
but look—here lies
a phlegm-stuffed Buddha!sponge gourd has bloomed
choked by phlegm
a departed soulsnake gourd has gone to flower
a Buddha have I turned
choked with phlegmWhen the loofah bloomed
He choked on phlegm
And died.The luffa flowered.
I am a soul
Choked with phlegm.The snake gourd blossoms.
My throat blocked with phlegm,
I am already a Buddha.Dishcloth gourd came into flower
I'm going to die
sticking phlegm in my throatThe sponge gourd has flowered!
Look at the Buddha
Choked with phlegm.The loofah blooms and
I, full of phlegm,
become a Buddha.sponge gourds in bloom
this hotoke*
choked by phlegm
*Hotoke is a word for Buddha. It is also used to refer to a person who has died.
Der Schwammkürbis blüht.
Vom Schleim wird langsam erstickt
ein neuer Buddha.
The second verse was written within the small space to the left of the first:
tan itto hechima no mizu mo ma ni awazua quart of phlegm—
even gourd water
couldn't mop it upgallons of phlegm
even the gourd water
couldn't clear it upa barrel of phlegm
snake gourd water is
just not enoughNo matter how I get the water of dishcloth gourd
It's not enough to clear a large quantity of phlegm
amount to about 12 litergallons of phlegm
too late
even for sponge gourd juiceA barrelful of phlegm—
even loofah water
will not avail me now.Ein Klumpen Auswurf.
Der Saft des Schwammkürbises
konnte nicht helfen.
The third and last poem is on the right hand space and written diagonally:
ototoi no hechima no mizu mo torazarikithey didn't gather
gourd water
day before yesterday eitherthe gourd water
of the night before yesterday
they didn't get it eithersince the day before yesterday
not even snake gourd water
has been collectedI didn't gather the water of dishcloth gourd
on the day before yesterday (15th Sept. of lunar calendar)
which is good for clearing phlegmthe sponge gourd juice
of two days ago
wasn't even takenLoofah water
from two days ago
left still untouched.Sie ernteten nicht
den Saft des Schwammkürbises,
obwohl Vollmond war.
It is said that fluid taken from a sponge gourd stem is effective in relieving coughing. The night before there was a full-moon The fluid collected on a full moon night was believed to be the best to clear phlegm up. Since Shiki was really dying, Shiki's family may have been too discouraged to collect fluid on the full-moon night. One of his friends described that Shiki looked like a living mummy. On the next day of his 35th birthday he fell into a coma and then on the 19th his life came to end, while sponge gourd blossoms were in bloom in his garden. We call the anniversary of Shiki's death "anniversary of sponge gourd.
Kimiyo Tanaka
Self-portrait painted by Shiki in water colors in 1900The Japanese haiku poet Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902) died of tuberculosis at thirty-five. In his final days he suffered unbearable pain caused by spinal decay. He couldn't even shift in his bed. About three months before his death, he wrote in an essay for a newspaper: “Until now, I have misunderstood satori in Zen. I mistakenly thought that satori was to die with peace of mind in any condition. Satori is to live with peace of mind in any condition.”
In A Sixfoot Sickbed for June 2, 1902, he wrote, Until now I had mistaken the “Enlightenment” of Zen: I was wrong to think it meant being able to die serenely under any conditions. It means beign able to live serenely under any conditions. (XI, 261)
[Masaoka Shiki: His Life and Works by Janine Beichman, p. 129.]In spite of ill health, Shiki maintained a prominent position in the literary world, and his views on poetry and aesthetics, as well as his own poems, appeared regularly in print. Masaoka frequently mentioned his illness in his poems and in such essays as “Byōshō rokushaku” (1902; “The Six-foot Sickbed”), but maintained an emotional detachment from his physical suffering. During the last years of his life, Masaoka was a bed-ridden invalid, but his home became a meeting place for his friends and followers, who gathered there to discuss literature. Masaoka Shiki died in Tokyo on September 9, 1902, a few weeks before his thirty-fifth birthday.
“Until now, I had misunderstood the Satori, enlightenment of Zen Buddhism. I had thought that satori is to die without fear anytime. But it is a wrong guess. The satori is to live unconcernedly anytime.”One of his infrequent references to Zen is found in the June 2, 1902, entry in Byōshō rokushaku:
“Up to now I have always misunderstood the satori of Zen. I mistakenly supposed that satori was a way to dying tranquilly, regardless of the circumstances, but satori is actually how to live tranquilly, regardless of the circumstances.” In Shiki zenshū 11:261.
[The Winter Sun Shines in: A Life of Masaoka Shiki by Donald Keene]-------------------------------------------
The Poetry of Shiki
On how to sing
the frog school and the skylark school
are arguing.
spring day
A long line of footprints
On the sandy beach.
cherry blossoms
Flutter in the wind
One petal after another.
At the gate
Under the oak the shoots
So luxuriant.
heat --
My whirling mind
Listens to the peals of thunder.
wild geese take flight
Low along the railroad tracks
In the moonlight
can see the stones
On the bottom fluctuate
Through the clear water.
in the ice
A maple leaf.
in the winter turnip field
The distant lights of the city.
pear blossoming...
after the battle this
ruined house
rowing through
out of the mist
the wide sea
Shiki's portrait photo, December 24, 1897
Selected Poems of Masaoka Shiki, Translated by Janine Beichman
quote from the University of Virginia
Source: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/japanese/shiki/beichman/BeiShik.utf8.htm
Poem numbers are not native to the original source but were derived from the page number and position of each poem in the Beichman edition.
For example, 50.2 refers to the second poem on page
minazuki no kokū ni suzushi hototogisu
In the coolness
of the empty sixth-month sky...
the cuckoo's cry.
ki o tsumite yo no akeyasuki komado kana
the tree cut,
dawn breaks early
at my little window
hitoezutsu hitoezutsu chire yaezakura
scatter layer
by layer, eight-layered
cherry blossoms!
meigetsu no deru ya yurameku hanasusuki
at the full moon's
rising, the silver-plumed
reeds tremble
chiru hana ni motsururu tori no tsubasa kana
entangled with
the scattering cherry blossoms—
the wings of birds!
mugi maki ya tabane agetaru kuwa no eda
wheat sowing—
the mulberry trees
lift bunched branches
matsu sugi ya kareno no naka no Fudōdō
pine and cypress:
in a withered field,
a shrine to Fudō
suzushisa ya kami to hotoke no tonaridoshi
in the coolness
gods and Buddhas
dwell as neighbors
mihotoke ni shirimuke oreba tsuki suzushi
I turn my back
on Buddha and face
the cool moon
mioroseba tsuki ni suzushi ya yonsenken
looking down I see,
cool in the moonlight,
4000 houses
tsuki suzushi kawazu no koe no wakiagaru
the moon is cool—
frogs' croaking
wells up
suzushisa ya taki hotobashiru ie no ai
a mountain stream splashes out
between houses
harukaze ni o o hirogetaru kujaku kana
fanning out its tail
in the spring breeze,
see—a peacock!
kaki kueba kane ga narunari Hōryūji
I bite into a persimmon
and a bell resounds—
ine no hana Dōkanyama no hiyori kana
rice flowers—
fair weather on
ine karu ya yakiba no kemuri tatanu hi ni
rice reaping—
no smoke rising from
the cremation ground today
furuniwa ya tsuki ni tanpo no yu o kobosu
old garden—she empties
a hot-water bottle
under the moon
64.1 -
keitō no jūshigohon mo arinubeshi
"Before the Garden"
must be 14,
or 15
ikutabi mo yuki no fukasa o tazunekeri
again and again
I ask how high
the snow is
yuki furu yo shōji no ana o mite areba
snow's falling!
I see it through a hole
in the shutter...
yuki no ie ni nete iru to omou bakari ni te
all I can think of
is being sick in bed
and snowbound...
shōji ake yo Ueno no yuki o hitome min
open the shutter!
I'll just have a look
at Ueno's snow!
harusame ya kasa sashite miru ezōshiya
spring rain:
browsing under an umbrella
at the picture-book store
e no mi chiru konogoro utoshi tonari no ko
the nettle nuts are falling...
the little girls next door
don't visit me these days
shigururu ya konnyaku hiete heso no ue
it's drizzling...
devil's tongue, cold on
my belly button
hige soru ya Ueno no kane no kasumu hi ni
getting a shave!
on a day when Ueno's bell
is blurred by haze...
"Gabyō Jūnen"
kubi agete oriori miru ya niwa no hagi
"Sick in Bed Ten Years"
lifting my head,
I look now and then—
the garden clover
yomei ikubaku ka aru yo mijikashi
how much longer
is my life?
a brief night...
Yōkihi no neokigao naru botan kana
the peony seems
to think itself Yōkihi
as she awakes
fuji no hana nagōshite ame furan to su
wisteria plumes
sweep the earth, and soon
the rains will fall
kuroki made ni murasaki fukaki budō kana
purple unto
byōshō no ware ni tsuyu chiru omoi ari
I thought I felt
a dewdrop on me
as I lay in bed
kōbai no chirinu sabishiki makura moto
crimson plum blossoms
scattered over the loneliness
of the bed...
kōbai no rakka o tsumamu tatami kana
fallen petals of
the crimson plum I pluck
from the tatami
hechima saite tan no tsumarishi hotoke kana
the gourd flowers bloom,
but look—here lies
a phlegm-stuffed Buddha!
tan itto hechima no mizu mo ma ni awazu
a quart of phlegm—
even gourd water
couldn't mop it up
ototoi no hechima no mizu mo torazariki
they didn't gather
gourd water
day before yesterday either
gotegote to kusabana ueshi koniwa kana
a jumble of
flowers planted—
see, the little garden!
hechima sae hotoke ni naru zo okururu na
hey!—even snake gourds
become Buddhas—
don't get caught behind!
jōbutsu ya yūgao no kao hechima no he
the moonflower's face,
the snake gourd's fart
byōshō no saifu mo aki no nishiki kana
the wallet
by the bed is my
autumn brocade
kurimeshi ya byōnin nagara ōkurai
chestnut rice—
though a sick man,
still a glutton
kaburitsuku jukushi ya hige o yogoshikeri
I sink my teeth
into a ripe persimmon—
it dribbles down my beard
odoroku ya yūgao ochishi yowa no oto
a moonflower fell—
midnight sound
The desolation of winter;
passing through a small hamlet,
a dog barks.
snow falling,
a pair of mandarin ducks
on an ancient lake.
and again
it turns to hail;
the wind is strong.
a bull on board,
the ferry boat,
through the winter rain.
stray cat
in the winter garden.
the gate
of the abbey is left,
on the winter moor.
kaki kueba kane ga naru nari hōryūji
biting into a persimmon
a bell resounds
ikutabi mo yuki no fukasa o tazune keri
again and again
I asked the depth
of the snow
yukifuri ya mune no shironeko koe bakari
snow –
white cat on the roof ridge
just its voice
雑煮くふてよき初 夢を忘れけり
zōni kūte yoki hatsuyume o wasure keri
having eaten zōni
I forgot my good dream
of the New Year
haru ya mukashi jūgoman goku no jōka kana
grand castle town
of the past ―
jūnen no ase o dōgo no yu ni arae
wash away
those 10 years of sweat
Dōgo hot spring
natsukusa ya bēsu bōru no hito tōshi
summer grass
the baseball players
so far away
kikyō ikete shibaraku kari no shosai kana
arranging bellflowers
this will be my study
for the time being
putting bellflowers in a vase
this is my study
for the time being
deutzia blossoms
little cuckoo
show off the castle
above the pine tree
the ruined mansion,
Fowls roaming
Among the hibiscus
dead body
Of a trodden-on crab,
This autumn morning
Come flying from elsewhere:
Autumn is ending.
A pasania tree,-
the sky of autumn.
want to sleep
Swat the flies
Softly, please.
a spider, how lonely I feel
in the cold of night!
love and for hate
I swat a fly and offer it
to an ant.
mountain village
under the pilled-up snow
the sound of water.
and once again,
the while I wait for you, cold wind
turns into rain.
summer river:
although there is a bridge, my horse
goes through the water.
lightning flash:
between the forest trees
I have seen water.
Shiki Masaoka appeared in the haiku world as the critic to Basho Matsuo. Shiki criticized Basho's famous haikus in his criticism "Basho Zatsudan" (Miscellanies about Basho). He didn't deny Basho's all works, but he reproached his hokkus for lack of poetic purity and for having explanatory prosaic elements.
On the other hand, he extolled Buson Yosa who had been unrecognized yet. He thought that Buson's haikus are technically refined and they transmit efficiently clear impressions to readers.
After the discovery of the Western philosophy, Shiki convinced that laconic descriptions of things were effective for literary and pictorial expression. He insisted on the importance of "shasei" (写生 sketching). This idea led his haikus to the visual description and to the concise style.
The haiku innovation by Shiki created a great sensation in the whole of Japan and revived the languishing haiku world.
tepid rain falls
On the bare thorn.
Thawed out pond.
A shrimp moves
Among old algae.
The cannon rolls its rumble.
Leaf buds of a tree.
How cool it is!
A small crab, in the rain,
Climbs on a pine.
Lotus leaves in the pond
Ride on water.
Rain in June.
Smoke whirls
After the passage of a train.
Young foliage.
The storm
During half-day
Has broken the stem of mallow.
We cannot see even the moon.
And rise big waves.
Above a hollow of rock
An ivy hangs.
One small temple.
Shiki denied
the value of haikai-renga and always used the word "haiku" instead of
"haikai" or "hokku". Today, haikai-renga is called "renku",
but few specialists are interested in this poetic form.
Shiki's photo (then
Shiki's haiku
Tr. by Tanaka Kimiyo
haru no shimo shiyuu to natte moenikeri
Spring frost
dancing in the air
a shimmer of heat鶏なくや小富士の麓桃の花
torinaku ya kofuji no fumoto momo no hana
a cock crows
at the foot of the small Mt. Fuji
peach blossoms故郷はいとこの多し桃の花
furusato wa itoko no ooshi momo no hana
my hometown
many cousins-
peach blossoms松の根に薄紫の菫かな
matsu no ne ni usumurasaki no sumire kana
at the root
of a pine tree
light lavender violet夕月や一かたまりに散る櫻
yuuzuki ya hitokatamari ni chiru sakura
moon at twilight,
a cluster of petals falling
from the cherry treeいちはつの一輪白し春の暮
ichiihatsu no ichirin shiroshi haru no kure
an iris
whiter at twilight
My hometownふるさとやどちらを見ても山笑ふ
furusato ya dorira o mitemo yama warau
My hometown
wherever I look
mountains laugh with vendure恋しらぬ猫や鶉を取らんとす
koi shiranu neko ya uzura o torantosu
a fancy-free cat
is about to catch
a quail春雨の土塀にとまる烏かな
harusame no dobei ni tomaru karasu kana
perching on a mud wall
in the spring rain
a crow春風や城あらわるゝ松の上
harukaze ya shiro arawaruru matsu no ue
spring breeze
show off the castle
above the pine tree春 の 山重なりあふて皆丸し
haru no yama kasanarioute mina marushi
Mountains in spring
overlapping each other
all round生壁に花吹きつけて春の風
namakabe ni hana fukitsukeru haru no kaze
cherry blossom petals
blown by the spring breeze
against the undried wallつゝじ咲く絶壁の凹み佛立つ
tsutsuji saku zeppeki no kubomi hotoke tatsu
blooming azaleas
in a hollow on a cliff
a Buddha stands
unohana o megakete kitaka hototogisu
aiming at
deutzia blossoms
little cuckoo山々は萌黄浅黄やほと々ぎす
yamayama wa moegi asagi ya hototogisu
Mountains are
yellow green, pale yellow-
a cuckoo cries城山の浮かみ上がるや青嵐
shiroyama no ukami agaru ya aoarashi
castle hill
high above
breezy green門さきにうつむきあふや百合の花
kadosaki ni utsumukiau ya yuri no hana
at the front gate
dropping their heads
lilies blooming草茂みベースボールの道白し
kusa shigemi besuboru no michi shiroshi
through a growth of weeds
runs an open path
baseball diamond五女ありて後の男や初幟
gojo arite nochi no otoko ya hatsunobori
It's a boy
after five daughters
carp streamers二筋に虹の立ったる青田哉
futasuji ni niji no tattaru aota kana
two rainbows
have risen over
the green paddy field静かさに蛍飛ぶなり淵の上
shizukasa ni hotaru tobunari fuchi no ue
stillness - -
fireflies are glowing over
deep water夏嵐机上の白紙飛びつくす
natsuarashi kijo no hakushi tobitsukusu
summer storm
white paper on the desk
all flies awayIn Japan summer storm can be described as a green wind,
because all trees in summer are full of green leaves.
In this haiku, the color contrast of green and white paper
gives a very sharp and clear and refreshing feeling.君を送りて思ふことあり蚊帳に泣く
kimi o okurite omou koto ari kaya ni naku
leaving me
something on my chest
tears on my mosquito net余命いくばくかある夜短し
yomei ikubaku ka aru yoru mijikashi
my remaining days
are numbered
a brief night薔薇を剪る鋏刀の音や五月晴
bara o kiru hasami no oto ya satsukibare
pruning a rose
sound of the scissors
on a bright May day赤薔薇や萌黄の蜘蛛の這ふて居る
akabara ya moegi no kumo no hohteiru
a yellow green spider
crawling on
a red rose蝸牛や雨雲さそふ角のさき
dedemushi ya amagumo sasou tsuno no saki
a snail
luring rain clouds
with feeler tipsふるさとや親すこやかに鮓の味
furusato ya oya sukoyakani sushi no aji
my hometown
parents are well
taste of sushi世の中の重荷おろして昼寝かな
yononaka no omoni oroshite hirune kana
relieved of a burden
in the everyday life
an afternoon nap伸び切って夏至に逢ふたる葵かな
nobikitte geshi ni ohtaru aoi kana
a hollyhock
shot up to meet
the summer solstice夏山や萬象青く橋赤し
natsuyama ya bansho aoku hashi akashi
summer mountain
all creatures are green
a red bridge鳴きやめて飛ぶ時蝉の身ゆるなり
nakiyamete tobutoki semi no miyuru nari
The singing stopped
a flying cicada
I saw it!淋しさや花火のあとの星の飛ぶ
sabishisa ya hanabi no ato no hoshi no tobu
after the fireworks
stars' shooting夕風や白薔薇の花皆動く
yukaze ya shirobara no hana mina ugoku
an evening breeze
white rose petals are
all ruggled一匙のアイスクリムや蘇る
hitosaji no aisukurimu ya yomigaeru
one spoonful
of ice cream brings me
back to life蓼噛んでひとりこらえる思ひ哉
tade kande hitori koraeru omoikana
biting into a bitter weed
alone I bear
my feelings十年の汗を道後の温泉に洗へ
junen no ase o DOGO no yu ni arae
ten year's sweat
washed away
back at Dogo Onsen暮れきらぬ白帆に白き夏の月
kurekiranu shiraho ni shiroshi natsu no tsuki
at nightfall
a summer moon, white --
on the white sail紫陽花の雨に浅黄に月に青し
ajisai no ame ni asagi ni tsuki ni aoshi
pale blue in the rain
blue in the moonlight紫陽花や壁のくづれをしぶく雨
ajisai ya kabe no kuzure o shibuku ame
hydrangeas ---
rain splashing upon
the crumbling walls古池やさかさに浮かふ蝉のから
furuike ya sakasa ni ukabu semi no kara
an old pond-
floating upside down
a cicada's shell
hikuku tobu aze no inago ya hi no yowari
Locusts fly low
over the levee
in the fading sunshine秋風や生きて会ひ見る汝れと我
akikaze ya ikite aimiru nare to ware
Autumn wind -
met, returning alive
you and me松山や秋より高き天守閣
Matsuyama ya akiyori takaki tenshukaku
Matsuyama castle
the keep is higher than
the autumn sky雲走り雲追ふ二百十日かな
kumo hashiri kumo ou nihyakutoka kana
clouds're running past
running after clouds
the Storm Day秋風や生きてあひ見る汝れと我
akikaze ya ikite aimiru nare to ware
autumn wind -
met, returning alive
you and me行く秋や手を引き合ひし松二木
yukuaki ya te o hikiaishi matsu futaki
autumn is leaving
tugging each others' branches
two pine trees野分の夜書読む心定まらず
nowaki no yo fumi yomu kokoro sadamarazu
on a stormy night
while reading a letter
wavering mind黒きまでに紫深き葡萄かな
kuroki madeni murasaki fukashi budo kana
almost black
deepening purple
ripe grapes行く秋の我に神無し仏なし
yukuaki no ware ni kami nashi hotoke nashi
with advancing autumn
I am without gods
without Buddha行く我にとヾまる汝に秋二つ
yuku ware ni todomaru nare ni aki futatsu
I am going
you're staying
two autumns for us身の上や御籤をひけば秋の風
minoue ya mikuji o hikeba aki no kaze
my fate,
a fortune tells
- autumn wind梨むくや甘き雫の刃を垂るゝ
nashimuku ya amaki shizuku no ha o taruru
peeling a pear
sweet drops dripping
along the knife edge故郷や祭りも過ぎて柿の味
furusato ya matsuri mo sugite kaki no aji
hometown -
festivals are over
flavorful persimmonsともし火の見えて紅葉の奥深し
tomoshibi no miete momiji no oku fukashi
far way, through
leaves of dense autumnal tints名月に思ふことあり我一人
meigetsu ni omoukoto ari warehitori
the bright moon
something in my breast
I am alone名月に飛び行く雲の行方かな
meigetsu ni tobiyuku kumo no yukue kana
the bright moon
I wonder where the clouds
are flying off to引き裂いた雲のあとなり秋の風
hikisaita kumo no atonari aki no kaze
clouds torn apart
autumn wind朝寒や紫の雲消えて行く
asasamu ya murasaki no kumo kieteyuku
morning coolness
purple clouds are
yamashiro ni nokoru yuhi ya ine no hana
the setting sun
remains on the mountain
castle flowering rice雲はあれど彼岸の入り日赤かりし
kumo wa aredo higan no irihi akakarishi
crimson sunset
even through clouds
vernal equinox三千の俳句を閲し柿二つ
sanzen no haiku o kemishi kaki futatsu
looking through
three thousand haiku eating
two persimmons鐘の音の輪をなして来る夜長かな
kane no ne no wa o nashite kuru yonaga kana
sounds of a temple bell
reverberate in a circle
a long night犬の声靴の音ながき夜なりにけり
inu no koe kutsu no ne nagakiyo narini keri
a dog howling
sound of footsteps
longer nights
Winter and New Year's
futatsu mitsu ishi korogetaru kareno kana
two or three rocks
strewn about
dried up field寒椿黒き佛に手向けばや
kantsubaki furuki hotoke ni tamukabaya
winter camellia
I wish I could offer it
to the sooty Buddha松山の城を見おろす寒さかな
Matsuyama no shiro o miorosu samusa kana
looking down from above
Matsuyama Castle薪をわるいもうと一人冬籠
maki o waru imouto hitori fuyugomori
splitting wood
my sister alone -
fuyukodachi no ushiro ni akaki irihikana
behind the stand
of winter trees
a red sunset門前のすぐに坂なり冬木立
monnzen no sugu ni saka nari fuyu-kodachi
just outside the gate
the road slopes downward
winter trees寒けれど酒もあり温泉もある処
samukeredo sake mo ari yu mo aru tokoro
It is cold, but
we have sake
and the hot spring* * *
ume sagete shinnen no gyokei moshikeri
New Year's greetings
with a plum branch
in hand空近くあまりまばゆき初日哉
sora chikaku amari mabayuki hatsuhi kana
the sky draws near
such a bright sunrise
New Year's Day元日の人通りとはなりにけり
ganjitsu no hitodori towa narinikeri
New Year's Day
has come -
quiet streets一年は正月に一生は今に在り
ichinen wa shogatsu ni issho wa ima ni ari
The year begins
on New Year's day
our life is Now星消えてあとは五色の初霞
hoshi kiete ato wa goshiki no hatsugasumi
the stars vanished
and then --
five-colored New Year's mist
chiru hana ni butsu tomo nori tomo shiranu kana
in scattering blossoms
Buddha and Buddhism
Facing away from me
Darning old tabi
My wife.
Devotion to the Great Saint,
the temple of Ishite...
rice plants abloom.
(Alas my) fortune;
drawing divine lots,
the aurumn wind.
SHIKI (1867-1902)
Translated by Lucien Stryk
- Extracts from CAGE OF FIREFLIES, published by Swallow Press, 1993 -
White butterfly
darting among pinks -
whose spirit?
Indian summer:
dragonfly shadows seldom
brush the window.
Aged nightingale -
how sweet
the cuckoo's cry.
Wicker chair
in pinetree's shade,
on summer plain -
world's seat.
Summer sky
clear after rain -
ants on parade
Imagine -
the monk took off
before the moon shone.
Thing long forgotten -
pot where a flower blooms,
this spring day
Haiku Monuments of Masaoka Shiki
Addiss, Stephen, Old Taoist - the life, art, and poetry of Kodojin,
Beichman, Janine, Masaoka Shiki, previously published by Twayne Publishers in 1982, first paperback edition, Kodansha International, Tokyo, 1986
Beichman-Yamamoto, Janine, Masaoka Shiki's A Drop of Ink, Monumenta Nipponica XXX, 3, 1965
Blyth, R. H. Haiku, 4 vol., Hokuseido Press, Tokyo 1963-64
Brower, Robert H. , and Miner, Earl, Japanese Court Poetry, Stanford University Press, 1961
Brower, Robert H., Masaoka Shiki and tanka Reform, in Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Culture, ed. Donald H. Shively, Princeton University Press, 1971
Henderson, Harold, An Introduction to Haiku, Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958
Higginson, William J., with Penny Harter, The Haiku Handbook - How to Write, Share, and Teach Haiku, Kodansha International, 1985
Isaacson, Harold J. trans. & ed., Peonies Kana - Haiku by the Upasaka Shiki, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, First ed., 1973 (It was published by Theatre Arts Books, New York, 1972)
Keene, Donald, Shiki and Takuboku, in Landscapes and Portraits: Appreciations of Japanese Culture, Tokyo and Palo Alto, Kodansha International Ltd 1971
Keene, Donald, Dawn to the West - A History of Japanese Literature, vol. 4, Columbia University Press, New York, First published 1984
Kimata, Osamu, Shiki Masaoka: His Haiku and Tanka, Philosophical Studies of Japan, VIII, 1967, (compiled by Japanese National Commission for UNESCO and published by Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkokai)
Miner, Earl, The verse record of My Peonies, in Japanese Poetic Diaries, Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1969
Morris, Mark,"Buson and Shiki: Part One." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 44, no. 2 (December 1984); "Buson and Shiki: Part Two." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 45, no. 1 (June 1985)
Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkokai, Special Haiku Committee of Japanese Classics Translation Committee consisting of Aso Isoji et al., Haikai and Haiku, Tokyo, Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkokai, 1958
Rexroth, Kenneth, 100 More Poems from the Japanese
Ueda, Makoto, Modern Japanese Haiku: An Anthology, University of Tokyo Press, 1976
Watson, Burton, Masaoka Shiki - Selected Poems, Columbia University Press, 1997
Yasuda, Kenneth, The Japanese Haiku: Its Essential Nature, History and Possibilities in English
Rimer, J. Thomas and Morrell, Robert E., Guide to Japanese Poetry., Boston , G.K. Hall and co., 1975
Masaoka Shiki: Making of the Myth of Haiku by YOKOTA-MURAKAMI Takayuki
J. Keith Vincent, Masaoka Shiki and the Meaning of Illness
Masaoka Tsunenori — the Haiku Master Shiki
by Janice M Bostok
Analysis of the medical care of Masaoka Shiki, as seen in "Gyoga Manroku"
128 haikus de Masaoka Shiki
Haikus de primavera
Trad. de Alberto Silva
Gantan wa ze mo hi mo nakute shujō nari
El año se inaugura
¿Todos buenos?
¿Todos malos?
Todos seres humanos
Onna ōte kawa watari keri oborozuki
A lomos de aquel hombre
la chica cruza el río,
bajo luces rasgadas
de luna
Ushibeya no ushi no unari ya oborozuki
Muge la vaca
en el establo. Mientras, la luna
se echa un velo
Atataka ni shirakabe narabu irie kana
En la ensenada,
filas de casas tibias,
paredes blancas
Kawa ni sōte yukedo hashi nashi hi no nagaki
Corriente abajo,
sin huella de algún puente
para este día
que no se acaba
Kishamichi ni narande ariku hinaga kana
En fila india,
larga, marcha la jornada
sobre los rieles
Hyakunin no ninpu tsuchi horu hinaga kana
Cava que te cava:
la fila de braceros
se alarga más que el día
Fune to kishi to hanashi shite iru hinaga kana
¡Largo día!
Una lancha conversa
con la orilla
Daibutsu no utsura-utsura to haruhi kana
El Gran Buda
se echa sus siestas
Sunahama ni ashiato nagaki haruhi kana
Largas huellas de pasos
en la playa de aquel largo
día templado
Kaerimireba yukiaishi hito no kasumi keri
Fue darme vuelta
y el hombre que cruzaba
se hizo niebla
Harusame ya kasa sashite miru ezōshiya
Apenas llueve
Bajo el paragua, unos libros
(hago que leo)
Kagerō ya sanzen-gen no ie no ato
(Presenciando un gran incendio en Tokyo)
Tres mil braseros
soplando aire caliente:
ciudad en llamas
Haru no no ya nani ni hito yuki hito kaeru
Gentes por el campo
en primavera: ¿adónde van?
¿de dónde vienen?
Daibutsu no katahada no yuki toke ni keri
Nieve derretida:
le asoma un hombro
a Buda
Sasanami ni toketaru ike no kōri kana
el hielo
de la charca
Hitomoseba hina ni kage ari hitotsu-zutsu
Luz en la lumbre
Cada muñeca viste
su propia sombra
Meisho to mo shirade hata utsu otoko kana
Cava el buen hombre
No sabe
que es un lugar famoso
Hi ichi-nichi onaji tokoro ni hatake utsu
Un día entero,
cava que te cava
el mismo agujero
Osoroshi ya ishigaki kuzusu neko no koi
Gatos calientes
(¡derriban muros
para poder amarse!)
Kumo wo fumi kasumi wo sū ya age hibari
Roza las nubes
la alondra. Bebe niebla
(al fin remonta)
Hibari wa to kaeru wa to uta no giron kana
¿el canto de la alondra
mejor que el de la rana?
Nureashi de suzume no ariku rōka kana
El gorrión a saltitos
por el porche
(tiene los pies mojados)
Ishi ni neru chō hakumei no ware wo yumemuran
Mariposa que duermes
sobre la piedra,
¿puedes soñar mi vida
corta y desierta?
Yoku mireba boke no tsubomi ya kusa no naka
Puesto a mirar,
veo un capullo entre la hierba,
de magnolio
Murasaki no yūyama tsutsuji ie mo nashi
Las azaleas
entintan las montañas
del ocaso
Yanagi ari fune matsu ushi no nisan-biki
Junto al sauce:
dos, tres vacas esperan
el servicio de balsa
Fune to kishi yanagi hedatsuru wakare kana
Dos se despiden:
un sauce se entromete
entre el bote y la orilla
Machinaka wo ogawa nagaruru yanagi kana
Por el poblado,
serpentea un arroyo
(igual los sauces)
Nanohana ya kinren hikaru montodera
Flores de colza
Flores de berro
Ornato de los templos
Kanariya wa nigete haru no hi kure ni keri
Se escapó el canario,
como se esfuma un día más
de primavera
Nodokasa no hitori yuki hitori omoshiroki
Solo vagabundear
Solo disfrutar
Haikus de verano
Trad. de Alberto Silva
Roku-gatsu no umi miyuru nari tera no zō
El Buda del templo
apenas divisa
las olas lejanas de junio
Mijikayo no tomoshibi nokoru minato kana
La noche ya se muere
Quedan poquitas luces
en el puerto
Waga inochi ikubaku ka aru yo mijikashi
La vida mía
La noche entera
¿Cuánta me queda todavía?
¡Tan pasajera!
Suzushisa ya aota no naka ni hitotsu matsu
En un verde arrozal
la frescura
de aquel único pino
Suzushisa ya ishidōrō no ana no umi
¡Cómo refresca!: el mar
(lo miro por los huecos
de ese farol de piedra)
Shima areba matsu ari kaze no oto suzushi
Si hay isla, hay pino
Si hay pino, hay fresco
rumor de viento
Daibutsu ni harawata no naki suzushisa yo
Gran Buda
(de una frescura
sin entrañas)
Atsukurushi midaregokoro ya rai wo kiku
Calor de infierno
Da vueltas mi cabeza
Restalla el trueno
Kuwa tatete atari hito naki atsusa kana
La azada espera
Nadie a la vista
Sólo solana
Amagaya ni hizakana no niou atsusa kana
Casa de un pescador:
huele a pescado seco
y a calor
Otoko bakari no naka ni onna no atsusa kana
de una mujer entre esos hombres:
¡qué calor!
Ho no ōki oranda-bune ya kumo no mine
El barco de gran vela
holandés coronado
de nubes se aleja
Natsuarashi kijō no hakushi tobi tsukusu
Vendaval de verano
Mis papeles se asustan
(salen volando)
Hitori iru henshūkyoku ya satsukiame
Solo en el diario
y afuera
llueve en mayo
Yūdachi ni utaruru koi no atama kana
Las gotas del chubasco
¡picotean la trompa
de las carpas!
Enten ni kiku wo yashinau aruji kana
Bajo un sol de justicia,
el amo que cultiva
Natsukawa ya uma tsunagitaru hashi bashira
Caballo atado
del soporte del puente
del campo
del verano
Natsukawa ya hashi aredo uma mizu wo yuku
Un puente lo cruza,
pero al flete le gusta
vadearlo, a ese río,
en verano
Kanemochi mo kuma mo kite nomu shimizu kana
Igual que hacen los osos,
se sirven del manantial
los millonarios
Ōkaze no niwaka ni okoru nobori kana
Un fuerte viento
despertó de repente
la bandera de la fiesta
de los niños
Hito mo nashi ko hitori netaru kaya no naka
Nadie a la vista
Salvo un bebé que duerme
en el mosquitero
Nikai kara yanebune maneku uchiwa kana
Con su abanico:
desde el primer piso
llama al barco
Fuwa-fuwa to naki tama koko ni kite suzume
Vengan a refrescarse,
espíritus flotantes,
sin pensárselo tanto
Nishiki kite ushi no ase kaku matsuri kana
Un toro engalanado
suda y se limita
a observar la fiesta
Kōmori no tobu oto kurashi yabu no naka
Entre malezas
se oyen sones sombríos
(vuelan murciélagos)
Sekkyō ni kegareta mimi wo hototogisu
El cuco canta, pero entona
para oídos ahítos
de sermones
Rai harete ichiju no yūhi semi no koe
Escampa: lo anuncia
la cigarra colgada
de una rama en ocaso
Akiie no mon ni semi naku yūhi kana
En el porche vacío,
la cigarra se enrosca
con los últimos rayos
de sol
Te no uchi ni hotaru tsumetaki hikari kana
Destellos de cocuyo
me enfrían la palma
de la mano
Ikita me wo tsutsuki ni kuru ka hae no tobu
Sigo vivo y me siguen
picando en los ojos (las moscas
que vuelan)
Natsu kodachi irinishi hito no ato mo nashi
No quedan huellas
de aquel que entró en el bosque
siendo verano
Kane mo naki kanetsukidō no wakaba kana
Lleno de tiernas ramas:
sin campana
Yūkaze ya shirobara no hana mina ugoku
Brisa en la tarde
sobre unas rosas blancas
que se estremecen
Hasu no hana sakuya sabishiki teishajō
En el andén
del tren, tan solitario,
unos lotos floridos
Yūgao ni miyako namari no onna kana
¡Flores de luna!
anuncia aquella chica
con acento de Kyoto
Haikus de otoño
Trad. de Alberto Silva
Kusabana wo egaku nikka ya aki ni iru
Se abre el otoño
Cada día un trabajo:
¡pintar las flores!
Asasamu ya kozō hogarakani kyō wo yomu
Mañana fría:
alegres oraciones
canta el novicio
Aki harete mono no kemuri no sora ni iru
Espléndido día en que el humo
se eleva en otoño
hasta el cielo
Fumitsuketa kani no shigai ya kesa no aki
Cadáver de un cangrejo
aplastado, mañana
en otoño
Byōnin ni hachijūgo-do no zansho kana
“Cuarenta grados”:
en su fiebre, el enfermo
sigue en verano
Sanmon wo gii to tozasu ya aki no kure
Arrastro la puerta del templo
Hace cric (otoñal
el sol se va poniendo)
Nagaki yo wo tsuki toru saru no shian kana
Horas largas, nocturnas
Y un mono que planea
echar mano a la luna
Nagaki yo ya chitose no nochi wo kangaeru
La noche no se acaba
“¿Qué vendrá –fantaseo-
en mil años más?”
Ōdera no tomoshi sukunaki yosamu kana
Hay pocas luces
o demasiado templo
¡qué noche más fría!
Tsugi no ma no tomoshi mo kiete yosamu kana
También se apaga
la luz de al lado (la noche
parece más helada)
Suma-dera no mon wo sugiyuku yosamu kana
Por afuera
del templo de Suma
paso de noche
(pasa el frío)
Kumo korosu ato no sabishiki yosamu kana
Muerta la araña,
la noche se hace glacial
¡y solitaria!
Bokushi hitori shinja shigo-nin no yosamu kana
Un cura
Cuatro fieles
Una noche glacial
Ki ni yoreba edaha mabara ni hoshizukiyo
Veo estrellarse la noche,
recostado en un árbol
de pocas ramas
y menor follaje
Akikaze ya ikite aimiru nare to ware
Viento de otoño
Vivimos, nos miramos,
tú y yo
Uma orite kawa no na toeba aki no kaze
Me bajo del caballo
“¿Cómo se llama el río?”
Viento de otoño
Uma no o ni busshō ari ya aki no kaze
¿La cola del potro
contiene sustancia divina?
(el viento es de otoño)
Akikaze ya ware ni kami nashi hotoke nashi
El viento del otoño
no deja budas vivos,
no deja dioses
Kokorobosoku nowaki no tsunoru higure kana
La tormenta se afianza
Mi miedo crece
Shiratsuyu ni ie shigo-ken no komura kana
Una aldea:
cuatro o cinco casitas
blanqueadas de rocío
Asatsuyu ya meshi taku kemuri kusa wo hau
Rocío sobre la mañana
y sobre el cesped
vapor de arroz
Hito ni aite osoroshiku narinu aki no yama
El miedo
de un encuentro
en los montes
de otoño
Mon wo dete ju-ppo ni aki no umi hiroshi
A diez pasos de casa,
como en un mar me interno
en el otoño
Mō mō to ushi naku hoshi no wakare kana
Cuando muge
la vaca, las estrellas
inician su adiós
Namagusaki gyoson no tsuki no odori kana
Pueblo marinero:
bailas a la luna,
hueles a pescado
Hito kaeru hanabi no ato no kurasa kana
Los fuegos terminaron
La gente se dispersa
Las tinieblas avanzan
Sabishisa ya hanabi no ato no hoshi no tobu
Calma, soledad
Fuegos de artificio
Una estrella fugaz
Kami ni hi wo agete modoreba shika no koe
Una vela prendida a los dioses
y el lamento de un ciervo
mientras retorno
Yanagi chiri nakuzu nagaruru ogawa kana
Caen hojas del sauce
y restos de verduras
que se lleva el arroyo
Kodachi kuraku nan no mi otsuru mizu no oto
Bosque entre sombras
Cae una baya
Eco en el agua
Nashi muku ya amaki shizuku no ha wo taruru
Pelo una pera
Gotas perladas
cuchillo abajo
Kaki kui no hokku zuki to tsutau beshi
¿Mi biografía?:
“le gustaba aquel haiku
de los kakis”
Kaki kueba kane ga naru nari Hōryū-ji
Como kakis y suenan
campanas de templo
en Hōryūji
Sanzen no haiku wo kemishi kaki futatsu
Hago balance
Miles de haikus
Un par de caquis
Kusabana no hachi narabetaru tokoya kana
En la barbería,
hasta las macetas
hacen fila
Tonari kara tomoshibi utsuru bashō kana
La lámpara de al lado
reflejada en las hojas
del banano
Waga koe no kaze ni nari keri kinoko-gari
Juntar hongos, transformarse
mi voz en el viento
de otoño
Tonde kuru yoso no ochiba ya kururu aki
Las hojas muertas
llegan de cualquier sitio
mientras muere el otoño
Haikus de invierno
h ttp://traducirjapon.blogspot.hu/2009/05/haikus-de-invierno.html
Trad. de Alberto Silva
Monohoshi no kage ni hakarishi tōji kana
Sombra de cañas
de tender ropa: anuncio
del solsticio
de invierno
Fuyuzare no komura wo yukeba inu hoyuru
En pleno invierno,
cuando cruzo la aldea
ladran los perros
Tō ni taranu ko wo tera e yaru samusa kana
Menos de diez años
¡y lo entregan al templo!
(sabor helado)
Hanatare no ko ga urenokoru samusa kana
Hay figuritas
que nadie compra,
que se mueren de frío
Ki no kage ya waga kage ugoku fuyu no tsuki
Sombra de los árboles
y la mía que oscila
bajo la luna helada
Yane no ue ni kaji miru hito ya fuyu no tsuki
Sobre el techo,
la gente mira fuegos
como quien mira lunas
Kangetsu ya sekitō no kage matsu no kage
Luna invernal
Sombra de la pagoda
y de un pino congelado
Ushi tsunde wataru kobune ya yūshigure
El lanchón
en la tarde y un toro
en la borda
en la torva invernal
Akaki mi no hitotsu koborenu shimo no niwa
clavija roja
sobre la escarcha
Kinden no tomoshibi hososhi yoru no yuki
La nieve y la noche
angostan las luces
del palacio
Furuike no oshi ni yuki furu yūbe kana
La nieve que cae
Dos patos solemnes
sobre un antiguo lago
Karinokosu susuki no kabu no yuki takashi
Sobre rabos
de hierba cortada
la densa nevada
Jūi-kki omote mo furanu fubuki kana
Once caballeros
encaran la tormenta
sin darse vuelta
Tokidoki ni arare to natte kaze tsuyoshi
Granizo se hace
la lluvia y el viento
no deja de soplar
Sutebune no naka ni tabashiru arare kana
Barca abandonada
Dentro, el granizo trota,
se desparrama
Kampan ni arare no oto no kurasa kana
En el muelle
el oscuro resón
del granizo
Mon bakari nokoru fuyuno no garan kana
Tan sólo queda
la puerta de aquel templo
en medio de la taiga
Tokorodokoro nabatake tōki kareno kana
Perdidos, lejos,
los cuadros de legumbres
en el campo reseco
Tabibito no mikan kuiyuku kareno kana
Corre caminos
Come naranjas
Llano reseco
Mori no naka ni ike ari kōri atsuki kana
El estanque del bosque
profundo, el grosor
de la capa de hielo
Bangoya ni hiru wa hito naki hibachi kana
Una garita a mediodía
Un braserito
sin compañía
Shaka ni tōte mitaki koto ari fuyugomori
Aislado en el invierno,
le hago consultas
al Despierto
Jū-nen no kugaku ke no naki mōfu kana
Diez años
de estudiante pobre (me lo dice
esta hilacha de manta)
Haïkus de Shiki
Traduit par Daniel Py de la version anglaise de R.H.Blyth
Traductions en français :
Cent sept haiku de Shiki, Verdier 2002. Traducteur Joan Titus-Carmel.
Le mangeur de kakis qui aime les haïkus, de Shiki, Moundarren, 1992. Traducteur Cheng Wing Fun.
Masaoka Shiki
Ausgewählte Haiku
übersetzt von Thomas Hemstege
Hamburg 2013